go to snack

AAA Asks: What Is Your Go-To Snack?

10 Thoughts on “AAA Asks: What Is Your Go-To Snack?

  1. My go to snack is Good and Plenty and than dark chocolate plus Just Born jelly beans. Enjoy Abigail

  2. Anything and everything chocolate! And I’ve been known to dig into my daughter’s bag of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos. šŸ˜‰

  3. Chips and salsa. I bought a giant bag of tortilla chips early on and am (quickly) making my way through it.

  4. I set up my remote “office” in the kitchen, which can definitely be dangerous! I always have chocolate on hand. I guess I don’t NEED it…but I really do.

    1. I am adjacent to my kitchen and find myself thinking about something that is about to expire/perish and look up a recipe to offset my morning workout. Yesterday was ginger cookies.
      A must try! -MM

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