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Your AAA Network Community Standards

Welcome to Your AAA Network the official digital publication of AAA Northeast. The network publishes original content every day on topics including savings and member benefits, insurance, lifestyle advice, cars and trucks, and all things travel.

We love our readers and truly appreciate their opinions; we created this forum to encourage lively discussions. And we created the following community standards to ensure that those discussions and opinions can be presented in a safe space where all people and viewpoints are respected.

1. Be Respectful

Please keep your comments relevant to the article you are commenting upon and above all, be polite.

We will not publish comments containing insults, slurs, stereotyping, obscenities, personal attacks or hate speech.  In addition, we do not allow defamatory, indecent, offensive, discriminatory, misleading, unlawful or threatening comments. Inflammatory political talking points will also not be tolerated. We will also remove language that incites or facilitates violence.

We do not tolerate verbal attacks on race, color, nationality, religion, disability, gender or sexuality.

2. Keep Personal Info Personal

As a best practice, you should never share any personal information – yours or anybody else’s – on a public comment board. This would include private phone numbers and home addresses, for instance.

3. No Soliciting

Comments that are deemed to be advertisements, promotions or solicitations are not allowed and will be deleted.

4. Be Patient

Your AAA Network is not monitored 24/7, which means that some comments will take longer than others to publish, particularly those made late at night or on weekends.

Rest assured, we read every comment and will publish yours as soon as possible.


AAA Northeast reserves the right at our discretion to edit posts and delete any that do not adhere to our standards. We also reserve the right to suspend user accounts for Community Standards violations.

AAA Northeast cannot assure the reliability or truthfulness of the content found in comments. And by posting content to Your AAA Network, you represent that you own all of the content and information that you are posting. We ask that you respect other people’s copyrights, trademarks and other intellectual property rights.  You agree to indemnify and hold harmless AAA Northeast from and against all liabilities, claims and expenses arising from or relating to your post.

Contact Us For …

If you have any questions about the contents of the articles on Your AAA Network or our editorial policies – or if would like to report a comment or user for a possible Community Standard violation – please feel free to contact us.

But Not For …

If you are looking for roadside assistance, please visit our 24/7 Roadside Assistance page. If you have inquiries about other specific AAA Northeast products and services, you can reach us 24 hours at