MILP E11: Drowsy Driving Featured Image

Merging Into Life: The Facts About Drowsy Driving

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Don’t sleep on safety. Learn the dangers of driving while drowsy.

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Usually, when we hear about people driving impaired it’s because of drugs or alcohol. But did you know that getting behind the wheel when you’re tired is just as dangerous? Drowsy driving is impaired driving, and we often don’t even know we’re doing it.

In this episode, Jennifer Pearce will talk about how she lost her sister, Nicole, in a crash caused by a driver falling asleep. Now a victim’s advocate for traffic safety, Pearce discusses the risks of pushing ourselves to drive when we are tired.

You’ll also hear from Alec Slatky about how AAA is working to better understand and prevent drowsy driving.


[3:24] – Jennifer Pearce talks about the dangers of drowsy driving and losing her sister
[10:51] – How drowsy driving compares to driving while impaired
[13:33] – The dangers of distracted driving


Amanda Greene: Just a heads-up before listening. This episode concerns the dangers of drowsy driving, including loss of life and can get emotional. It’s a serious but important subject. In fact, I remember a time when I got a call from my husband a few years ago. My husband was driving home late at night from a meeting that was two hours away. He had stopped for gas, and I remember feeling like he was way too tired to continue driving on. He knew he was tired, I knew he was tired, but he just wanted to get home. And after talking for a few minutes, I came to the conclusion that he was just too drowsy to keep driving. So I said, “Go get a hotel, stay the night, come home tomorrow.” And he resisted for a minute because he wanted to sleep in his own bed, the cost of a hotel. But once he agreed, I could hear the relief in his voice. He got a room, he got home safe. And I’m so glad that we made that decision because all too often we as drivers don’t even think to make that call.

Welcome to Merging Into Life where we navigate life’s milestones one episode at a time. Brought to you by AAA Northeast. I’m your host, Amanda Green. Today we’re going to talk about the dangers of drowsy driving and how to make sure we never do it. We’ll speak to one of AAA Northeast safe driving experts, Alec Slatky, about how to be alert and stay safe on the road. But first, Jennifer Pearce. She knows firsthand how devastating the effects of drowsy driving can be. Her younger sister, Nicole, died in 2008 when the driver of the car she was in fell asleep at the wheel and crashed.

Jennifer has been a victim advocate for traffic safety ever since because we know not to drive drunk or impaired. Speeding is dangerous and so is driving while distracted, but just as dangerous though less talked about, is drowsy driving or driving tired. So Jennifer is going to share her story with us and it’s heartbreaking. But Jennifer does this work to help other families avert disaster through education and awareness because as you’ll hear, one of the biggest problems with drowsy driving is that we often don’t even know we’re doing it. Hi, Jennifer. Thank you so much for joining us today.


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Study on Drowsing Driving

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AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety

Traffic Safety Administration

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