rain photo

AAA Photo Session: Rain

Spring is here and that means that April showers will soon bring May flowers. While most people head inside when it rains there are many reasons you should head outside to capture the beauty.

Make the most of the next cloudy day with the photography tips below. Look through the photos submitted by members during our rain-themed AAA Photo Session for inspiration.

Thank You for Participating!

From ominous dark clouds to vibrant rainbows, your photos showcased the art in nature’s dreariest days. Browse through all of the rain photos we received in the slideshow above, and don’t forget to check our social media channels, where we will be sharing some of our favorites. Some photos may also be featured in an upcoming issue of Your AAA magazine.

Tips for Photographing Rain

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(Photo: Beth Mancuso)

Wear A Rain Jacket

No, not you! Although you may want to keep yourself dry with one, too. There are rain jackets made for cameras called “rain covers.” For under $20,  it allows you to take rain photos without worrying about water damage to your camera.

Watch the Weather

I always check the forecast every morning. If I see that rain is in the forecast, I make note of when it is predicted to start and end. Often before the heavy rain sets in the sky will fill with dark moody clouds that make for excellent dramatic pictures. As the rain slows down and the sun starts to emerge, look for rainbows in the sky.

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(Photo: Beth Mancuso)

Capture the Aftermath

I love heading out after a fresh rainfall to search for puddles. If the light is right you can capture a great reflection. Also note the little water droplets left behind on plants and windows.

Use Props

Break out your umbrellas and rain galoshes! I think they help add to the storytelling aspect of an image. You can even head out in the rain with a subject if you have your rain cover on your camera.

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Know Your Settings

To freeze the motion of the rain falling you will want to use a fast shutter speed. If you are somewhat of a beginner photographer I recommend using Shutter Priority Mode. In this mode you are just choosing the shutter speed of your exposure. You will want to set the speed to 1/500th of a second or faster.  Learn more about camera settings with our cheat sheet

rain photos
(Photo: Beth Mancuso)

Check out past AAA Photo Sessions and stay tuned for the next one, coming soon.

Beth Mancuso is a professional landscape and travel photographer.

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