Nobody likes having to pay tolls, and news of toll hikes rarely sits well with drivers. But the fact remains that tolls play a critical role in our roadway system. They provide significant funds to maintain and improve roads, bridges and tunnels.
Losing just a fraction of toll revenue can be financially damaging to agencies charged with overseeing said roads. Unfortunately, that is precisely what’s happening due to the growing trend of toll evasion. The last several years have seen an increase in the number of drivers attempting to evade paying their fair share of tolls.
Here’s how they do it and how authorities are cracking down.
What Is Toll Evasion?
Simply put, toll evasion occurs when a motorist illegally bypasses a toll without paying the proper fee.
It was a more difficult task back in the day, when each toll booth had a barrier gate that lifted only after the driver paid their fare or had their transponder read. But in recent years, many states have begun transitioning to cashless tolling. Instead of toll booths, these systems use an overhead framework of cameras and transponder readers.
If you have a transponder, the toll process is the same as before. If you drive through a cashless tolling system without a transponder, however, the cameras will take a picture of your license plate. That plate number is then matched to your registration. A few weeks later, a bill will be in your mailbox. The cashless tolling process helps traffic move more freely and improves driver safety. But it also provides toll evaders with an opportunity.
More and more motorists looking to get a free ride are obstructing their license plates as they pass through cashless tolling spots. This can prevent the cameras from picking up the number and, in turn, motorists getting billed.
Toll evaders use a number of creative ways to hide their license plates. Many try to muddy their plates with dirt, paint or grease. Others use plastic covers on their license plates that can distort the numbers when viewed at an angle. These covers are easy to find and even easier to install.
The Rise in Toll Evasion
The increase in cashless tolling has brought with it an increase in toll evasion. In Massachusetts, more than 14,500 obstructed license plates were recorded by the state’s Department of Transportation over a roughly three-year period, from late 2016 to early 2020, according to Boston 25 News. Tinted license plates are legal in Massachusetts.
With tens of millions of dollars on the line, authorities are homing in on toll evaders. In May 2022, the New York State Police, New York City Police, New York City Sheriff, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) announced a joint effort to crack down on toll evasion.
The efforts have been paying off. In 2023, the Port Authority issued almost 5,900 summonses for toll evasion and collected almost $25 million in unpaid tolls and related fees, a 14% revenue increase from 2022.
New York City Congestion Pricing Evasion
Now the MTA has another toll to monitor: congestion pricing. Three days after it went into effect on Jan. 5, 2025, the New York City Police Department logged 82 violations, arrested two people and took possession of 17 cars for attempting to evade the new law.
The New York City congestion pricing law requires drivers traveling into Manhattan south of 60th Street to pay a $9 toll on weekdays between 5 a.m. and 9 p.m., and on weekends from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Drivers pay through their E-ZPass transponders, if they have them. Otherwise, cameras capture the drivers’ license plates and bills are mailed to their homes.
The move is designed to reduce traffic in some of the city’s busiest areas and generate money to improve mass transit systems. Congestion pricing is expected to generate between $500 million and $800 million a year, according to the MTA.
Know the Law (and The Penalties)
Through increased enforcement and sharing of information, authorities can track down violators after the fact. If you evade a toll, it does not mean you have gotten away. By piecing together other images and videos, authorities can often identify your vehicle and, if so, will flag your car.
Every state has a law on the books requiring license plates to be both affixed to the vehicle and legible. Twenty-nine states require cars to have both a front and rear license plate. In Massachusetts, the law reads: “Plates shall be kept clean with the numbers legible and shall not be obscured in any manner by the installation of any device obscuring said numbers.” New York’s law goes one step further, specifying that license plates “shall not be knowingly covered or coated with any artificial or synthetic material or substance that … distorts a recorded or photographic image of such number plates.”
If you get caught breaking these laws, it will cost you. Citations for knowingly obstructing your license plate come with fines upward of $300. Repeat offenders can even lose their driver’s licenses and/or have their cars impounded.
What do you think about what can be done to prevent toll evasion? Tell us in the comments.
This article has been updated and republished from a previous version.
69 Thoughts on “What You Need to Know About Toll Evasion”
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Interesting that you published this information when states are dealing with toll scams.
I would love to see AAA write an article where they document exactly how much of the toll revenue truly makes it to the highway maintenance they say its for.
Im sorry but tolls are way too expensive . They go up and up and there really isnt a proportionate increase in the quality and safety our roads. Its like speed and red light cameras.. nothing more than a means to wring more revenue out of people .
I recall the time when there were only people manning toll booths and getting paid high six-figure salaries for making change and not to mention the lengthy backups they created! I believe tolls are a small price to pay and people that don’t want to pay tolls should use alternate routes.
minor complaint – seems that NY and NJ don’t have reciprocity –
I have a NJ ezpass but I pay a higher rate for Tappan Zee Bridge than the NY ezpass rate –
fortunately, I go that way only 1 or 2 times a year – and I think the toll went up another buck from a year ago –
As a consequence of this increased enforcement, the scammers have taken notice. I got one supposedly from MA, which ordinarily I would have ignored, except that for the first time in a few years, I was in MA. I suspected it was suspicious, and chatted with the actual Department and not the one the notices said to contact. The chat person told me it was a scam. Their manners haven’t improved, but at least I got an answer albeit with a long wait on the chat (which was probably still faster than the phone).
I was billed for two trips on the NYS Thurway in December 2024, and a photo was shown of my old NYS license plate. The car it was on was one I never have owned. I turned that plate in 2 years ago when I purchased a new car and registered my car in the state of FL. I sent them proof of all of the above and have not heard back, which I hope is a good thing. I also have an EZ Pass and it seems to work in all of the states I pass through on my trips between NY and FL.
We should not have to pay a tax to travel our own states. We pay tax on EVERYTHING. Politicians and special interest groups steal, waste, and give away the money. If we all refused (hence the Boston Tea Party), we wouldn’t have most of these taxes, if any!
RI has toll stations for sale put up by a incompetent former governor which joe biden put on his cabinet ENOUGH SAID!!!!!!
Tolls fees taxes surcharges. All most likely for someone lounging and laughing in a mansion or yacht .Less we forget LOTTERIES was originally created to fund infrastructure and education I don’t know if anyone else can drive a mile on streets without hitting a pothole or been off put by a site or stench on the subway please lets hope we can all help. just make the world a better place
drivers never want to pay for the infrastructure they want to use, or the damage they do to the environment and the climate, hence resistance to tolls, fees, enforcement cameras etc. As result the Federal gas tax has not increased for 31 years even as inflation reduces its value, so to keep the highway program going, raiding the general fund and borrowing has been enormous, paid for in part by non-drivers and those who want to conserve. It has also resulted in inadequate road maintenance. It is time motorists paid their fair share (and yes I am a motorist too) including those who drive electric vehicles
I’m not completely sure, but since license plates in NY State seem to belong to the state, I don’t see why the local police agencies can’t remove them, put a boot on and a sticker on a window with instructions to get new ones. This would apply to altered and mangled plates. It seems in NYC I see plenty of those types. Just think of the revenue.
The issue with congestion pricing in NYC it’s a money grab with all the funds going to the subway not the roads or bridges. NYC is a mess
Congestion pricing in NY followed an increase in fare beating on busses and subways. It is to make up those missing funds. Basically, the powers that be decided that it was easier to get the funds from suburbanites than to make everyone pay a fare
When you hear the billions are going to war and freely given away to countries that offer nothing in return to the country, it makes you angry as hell. The infrastructure is falling apart, roads are TERRIBLE, the camera robbery is everywhere, yet these same officials get elected at every cycle. It is obvious that these officials don’t give a damn about any of us. People will always try to evade the camera by any means because they know they are getting robbed. I can remember when the triborough bridge and throgs necks were a.25 cents to cross. It was supposed to be to help pay for the bridge. Now it’s literally $7. both ways.It is not about congestion as much as it is about digging deeper into your pocket because they can do it.
If they STOP sending our money overseas and to the military, there will be enough to build Metros all over new york. NYC is the laughing stock of the world when it comes to it’s infrastructure. The trains and stations make me sick to m stomach, yet they want you to ride them regardless.
The PEOPLE WILL ALWAYS TRY TO EVADE these ripoff practices of the State.
It is not the traffic as much as the number of lanes restrictions. Restaurants can now extend into the streets, taking up an entire lane. We need sane, honest minds running this State/
True… Also, the bike lanes cut off lots of traffic lanes initially designed for cars. For instance, take the Brooklyn bridge now. It is ridiculous how the city decide to give the entire lane width to the single and random bikers (especially on a bad weather day) vs bumper to bumper flow of cars, often with more than 2 passenger
I agree with you 100% and I remember when the Triboro Bridge was only .25 cents and could be purchased with the round trip token.
we can read that they said the money is to fix the roads but the roads in New York are terrible, it seems like they are always fixing them but they are always the same, I live in the city and now it is becoming more expensive to live in New York because of all The tolls and the cameras around the city is crazy, I just hope it gets better and that we can have a better governor of New York because the one we have now mmm… leaves us a lot to say unfortunately.
DMV should have a way of citing drivers who don’t have the proper license plate in clear view or for breaking a law when driving, this can be obtained from the pictures that are taken by the Gantry. Nothing is private anymore. Whether you’re an ez pass customer or not.
Most of the monies collected by these Authorities go to paying bonds which are backed by the toll revenue. The banks love this because they get fees & interest on the bonds. Read “The Power Broker” by Robert Caro. It explains this system very well.
According to _The Power Broker_, a biography of Robert Moses, it was Moses who first discovered the power of tolls to extract funds from the public, because people will pay almost anything to drive as opposed to using any other form of transportation. Moses used this money to build more toll bridges and tunnels and thus get more funds for his projects. Other governments learned from him. What is surprising is that there is not much political resistance to this process besides cranking and grumping. Another surprising thing, observed since the early 1920s, is that the more roads, bridges, and tunnels you build, the worse traffic congestion becomes. So if governments and other authorities build more transportation structures requiring tolls, the more money they get, and the more tolled stuff they build.
Why don’t States crackdown on stores and other sellers of the plastic covers that obscure license plates? Seems like one solution.
I pay my tolls and never evaded the fare if I didn’t want to pay I’d stay off toll roads. I thought the tax on gasoline was to be used to fix the roads where is that money going. I’m not new to driving and the roads have been falling apart for years/decades.
I do not understand the fairness in no toll booths. I rarely, if ever, use a tolled highway. If I have no choice but to use a tolled road, am I going to be forced to pay extra, simply because I do not have an EZ Pass? If so, then I am being punished for not spending unnecessary money on something I rarely, if ever, use just so traffic will move more quickly. Where is the fairness in that?
I agree with you. I don’t travel tolled highways enough to warrant paying extra for a “deposit” EZpass (no interest income paid to me) or for using their photo system. Why not keep ONE toll booth for us to pay Cash?
You can get an EZ pass that only charges your bank account when you go through a tolling point, so there is no cost to having it, as far as I know. Maybe there is a deposit on the device, but otherwise it’s effectively free, except for the tolls you incur. When you turn the device back in, you will get your deposit back.
Also, toll booths have to be manned at least to some extent, in case something malfunctions. The cost of labor now is such that governments want to do away with the humans needed to collect tolls. This is unfortunate for the people who would otherwise have a job, but it is evidently cost-effective for the governmental bodies collecting the tolls.
Get an EZ pass, even if you almost never use it. Or at least look into getting one. They do save you money when you go through a tolling point, as the EZ pass toll is considerably lower than the non-EZ pass toll.
The tollbooth statement is incorrect with the shift to automated tolling not sure which tollbooth are you referring to? Tollbooths are being taken away since there is no need for them to collect tolls anymore it’s done by automated readers if you have the blue transponder and also done by cameras, that are mounted above the road, no booths.
I have NYS EZ Pass . I was in New Jersey and as I entered the NJ Tpke, the sign said contact customer service. When I got home, I contacted my EZ Pass office. They did not know what the problem was but they sent me a replacement EZ Pass which worked fine. I was sent a bill with a large penalty from NJ. I sent a check to them for the tolls which needed to be paid. I did not pay the fine. I gave an explanation as to why. I just received a bill with two $50 administrative bills. It was NOT my fault that my EZ Pass did not work. It was a malfunction of my device which was corrected when it was replaced. I tried calling NJ EZ Pass put it is forever busy. What can I do? I SHOULD NOT be liable for a failed device. It was NOT my fault!
A few comments.
1. I called MA RMV on a person driving recklessly with an obscured plate. RMV said it was not their issue to have the material over the license plate removed.
2. We pay a gas tax, vehicle tax, excise tax, registration fees, etc. Most tolls I have seen are on interstate roads that the USG pays for. Surely there must be enough in the fees collected to maintain roads.
When one used to pay a booth operator the toll in NH, I always said to the operator Live Free Or Die My A$$!
I have been blessed through promotion to reside in 11 different states in the USA over a 30 year and counting corporate career. Many with no or few toll roads and alternative roadways which were equally efficient for travelers. Now living on the East Coast, everywhere you turn it seems someone is in your pockets. Tolls, parking, red light cameras and so on. One ticket I received I fought and won. The “No Parking” sign was 25ft. up on the pole. Who looks 25ft up on a pole when they park? Camera phones are worth their weight in gold. Over the years, I have travelled back to the other states often to visit family and friends. It is nice to drive without the concern of being hit with miscellaneous fees. I wonder how other states keep their roads pothole free, parking garages properly maintained and so on without charging their constituents an arm and a leg.
They don’t have corrupt governments that like to tax everything to pay for their agendas.
I got a bill when someone with a similar license plate simply altered one number on their plate.
I had never been to that state, but I wrote back and praised the beauty of the state and how much I would love to visit and they left me alone except they still send me bills for zero dollars.
Substantially, the altered plates are owned by police officers who avoid getting cited for plate obstruction by flashing the badge when pulled over.
Anyone who is employed to enforce the law and also breaks the law is especially egregious and should be dismissed or removed. I started to observe this trend to see how many drivers are doing this and I am shocked, at one in ten cars are in violation. I drove through our local police station and found 4 cars with their plates covered, including an ambulance. I’m sickened by this.
Suppose my vehicle breaks down, and I need to leave it far from home for repair, and I need to drive a rental to get home. How do I pay the toll? How do the authorities know to bill me? This happened to me, and I decided to avoid any and all cashless toll roads, but what if I need to cross a border or body of water for which there is no alternative other than a toll road with only cashless tolling?
If you rent a car the authority will send the bill to the rental agency. Then the rental agency will look up who was renting the car at that date and time and send the data to the state. I know this the hard ward way because I got a letter from the state what I owed. But the problem was that the time of the toll it had then been re-rented to another person and it wasn’t me! But consequently I paid the bill to clear my name and then forced the rental agency to reomburse me because they screwed up as to who was renting the car at that time. Fortunately I still had a copy of my rental agreement including “Time out and time back in.” And by the way, I also told them they were sloppy reviewing their data because their OWN zip code was wrong on their letterhead!” Our company stopped using that rental agency because I wasn;t the only one that had issues with them.
Stop using toll money to subsidize the subway system. It’s time for subway users to pay their own way. If that means a $5.00 subway fare then so be it. I don’t live or work in the 5 boroughs. I shouldn’t have to pay for others free ride.
So true! My tolls should go to the roads and bridges only. Subway riders should pay for their means of transportation
Tolls are stealing from motorists because they are overpriced. Why should ANYONE pay 16$ to go thru a Port Authority of New York/NJ when a similar tunnel (ie Baltimore tunnnel i95) is $3? Because $3 is what it really costs to maintain the tunnel. Seems like fraud and theft coming from PANYNJ. So, go on and don’t pay for a theft enterprise.
This is a weak argument, “They provide a significant amount of funds used to maintain and improve roads, bridges and tunnels.”
Tolls are probably the LEAST efficient way to collect revenue. The overhead is enormous. About 15 years ago there was a story about the Mass. Turkpike spending 70% of collected funds on administering the tolls, leaving very little for actual road maintenance funds. In other states, millions are being spend to put up electronic gantries that take decades to reimburse.
It all start at the local level, most local and state police cruisers are already equipped with plate-reader cameras. There should be an enhancement to the software to alert the officer to the presence of non-readable plate as the car passes by, and they can visually verify if intervention (warning or a ticket) is needed.
Also, National registration laws should be standardized. A lot of out-of-state vehicles are not required to have 2 plates(front and rear of vehicle) so if only one rear plate is required and they have bicycle racks or towing a trailer, they’re legally not at fault. However, if plates are required to be installed on the front of all cars, then the states can add front plate-reading toll cameras.
Sam is right! The Fed. Gov’t also needs to require each state to do some kind of safety/emissions inspection for both the owner/driver’s safety as well as the public’s safety that’s driving next to this vehicle. These inspections might curtail some of this illegal aftermarket stuff put on vehicles and hopefully have a positive effect on motoring in the USA.
My state requires two plates. There was a bill in state congress to change this to only one and it didn’t pass. So the babies unhappy with the results decided they’re not abiding by the rules and I see more cars without two plates now than before the vote, in defiance. These people are not being fined or pulled over, they are rewarded by bad cops looking the other way. I’m including the toll evasion tactics in this as well. These people should have their registration suspended and lets see what the insurance companies think about it.
Use the KISS principal, KEEP IT SIMPLE, STUPID. Eliminate the millions and millions of dollars to construct, maintain, oversee, and enforce and all the huge salaries that go along with it. When there is a new registration or renewal, everyone pays a pre-determined fee, like $10 bucks a year. SOME PEOPLE USE A LOT OF TOLLS, SOME A FEW, AND SOME, NOT AT ALL. This should more than even out considering all the up front money we will save, and all the money can easily be accounted for and a little bit harder for our politicians and government officials to steal. If you need help figuring this concept out, contact me via email, I am looking for a job. Thanks.
Math exercise: look up how much is collected annually in road, bridge, tunnel, and parking tolls in NYS. Divide by the number of registered vehicles. Then get back to us about that $10 fee.
How much of that 10 dollars goes to Mass Transit? Something some drivers never use. Why should any of our tolls or fees go there?
Use the KISS principal, KEEP IT SIMPLE, STUPID. Eliminate the millions and millions of dollars to construct, maintain, oversee, and enforce and all the huge salaries that go along with it. When there is a new registration or renewal, everyone pays a pre-determined fee, like $10 bucks a year. SOME PEOPLE USE A LOT OF TOLLS, SOME A FEW, AND SOME, NOT AT ALL. This should more than even out considering all the up front money we will save, and all the money can easily be accounted for and a little bit harder for our politicians and government officials to steal.
If the first, overhead, camera can process the photo quickly, then if the license plate is obscured, there could be 2 or 3 other cameras taking multiple pictures of the car after it just passes through the toll booth, and those pictures can be relayed to a state police officer who is located a mile or two further along the road, who will stop that car, DELAY the driver a lengthy amount of time if there is anything wrong with the license plate, and then issue a ticket or if this is 2nd or more offense, arrest the driver and have the car towed and impounded. That will definitely stop the people from trying to obscure their license plates. Simple and logical.
No one ever brings up the errors on the toll readers. Have been charged twice a few times. Had to fight the bureaucrats with my EZ Pass statement to prove that I paid and did not go through the toll twice a few seconds apart. There should be a class action suit against these errors that take a lot of time to correct.
Laws that aren’t aggressively enforced are useless – vehicles should be stopped and ticketed and plate coverings immediately removed.
It seems to me that if everyone just pays the tolls then maybe money will not have to be spent on enforcement and the tolls won’t get raised as much. Like anything else, those of us who pay the tolls also pay to “crack down” on those who don’t. Money that could go to road maintenance pays for finding and catching those who don’t pay.
Where has all the money gone from the toll takers that were let go ? In the pockets of the officials that now want to raise the tolls ?
NY goes further than the article states – plates are not permitted to be covered by any glass or plastic material – no plate covers at all. I used to write a lot of tickets for this before I retired (police officer) but more often than not judges either dismissed the charge or reduced the fine to almost nothing so that’s hardly an incentive to follow the law.
Except that the process of having to go to court is time-consuming and beyond annoying. And there is no guarantee the judge will rule in your favor. Imagine going through all that and then still having to pay the fine.
I have ez pass and was charged for toll on nys thruway. Then got bill by mail for same trip. 3 months later and still fighting them.
I also paid tolls twice, when proving with receipts. Please don’t get a ticket with a rental car you may not get the ticket until 6montha later and its tripled. As much money as tolls make the roads are worst. Put people back in the toll bootha and you wouldn’t have as many toll evasions. Most who don’t drive toll roads every day don’t have Epass or what ever it’s called. Every 5 to 10 years tolls go up for road improvements, but none or a small amount are done to cover the look of getting the job done. Most of the money is either stolen by official and top office aids let’s talk about that. Most of the jobs to be done are written off as if they are done and the money is pocketed. Toll money is millions to billions to trillions a year, you never hear about money rolling over from jobs that was never done the previous year, but the same job is ticketed the next year for the same job. I say give the people jobs back and you have less invaders. It becomes a problem for the top Executives missing their millon dollar bonuses. Turn pike has been in construction for 10 plus years open your eyes people, places without tolls the job gets done in months to a year seems to be where the biggest crooks are nothing gets done in a timely fashion. The real crooks are the one’s sitting in office raising taxes which is for roads also ; and making new bill laws to rob the people. they get billions a year for infrastructure from state and federal, onto of the trillions they make from tolls. I see it as the crooks in office are always thinking of how to rob the people, there are crooks thinking everyday on how to get by to live from day to day. . Unfortunately the good is held accountable for it when the government is never held accountable for there wrongs. They don’t even pay tolls it’s a write off for them most write it off on taxes and its zero credit. One thing I ave learned over the years. When its government it’s always an excuse, but they tell you there is no excuses, so get those far invaders if you can and people wake up, the cost of living is only getting worst and the consumers are only getting less, look at your cornflakes looks the same but is less lololol !!!!!!!!!!
It’s only a $35 fine for obstructing your license plate in Massachusetts and most times it is just a warning.
Even though here in Massachusetts we have laws concerning plates being obscured and legible I see daily infractions of plates being completely covered by bicycle carriers and attachments to towing mounts with boxes on them to add storage space.
Yet, they obviously are not stopped or ticked like they should be. Enforcement of these laws need to be addressed. Those devices should be outlawed, and enforcement should be mandated.
No wonder the toll system is losing so much money!
It’s amazing how people defend an unlegislated tax on themselves. Not defending those who get away with not paying but open your eyes, this IS an additional tax that goes up without oversight or justification. Show the financials proving the money coming in is less than being spent. You’ll never see it. C’mon sheeple, open your eyes!
Perhaps instead of forcing high fees, compliance would increase. Scamming people to feed an overspending state is not sustainable. I, among many people i know, no longer use this overpriced road.
All tolls are theft
Pay the tolls for which you are responsible. Avoid the “CARMA;” it will find you.
To offset your toll avoidance loss of revenue; the State can implement a speeding fine based on the time a vehicle enters and exits a toll road.
In addition to replenishing toll road revenue, it would slow drivers down to the posted speed limits
Even if you cover up your tags the cameras can zoom in on your vin number either way they got you. PAY YOUR REQUIRED TOLL AMOUNT & be done with it. When the bill comes in the mail PAY IT!!! Failure to pay your toll can result in the loss of your car – license & registration. Oh & do not buy another car to replace the loss – The violation will be transferred to your new car including new tags & new registration. Skip tracers are also on the job to track you down.
It’s also extremely irritating when you have already paid your toll, by going online as instructed on the bill, only to have them continue to send you numerous more bills. I think I actually paid one twice!
People must be either destitute or just plain greedy if you can’t pay a $3 round trip toll in any of the three tunnels in Boston. I have a transponder and put some money in my account. I am retired so I seldom use toll roades but when I do, I calculate how much money to keep in my account. People who drive expensive cars and evade tolls? Shame on them!
I say, go get the cheating crooks!
So you’re telling me that this congestion toll is going to generate 500 to 800 million a year for just one state or city and we as Americans are struggling to put food on the table. We can’t even afford the American dream anymore but the greedy politicians want to squeeze us for more. This congestion toll is a joke and a slap in the face to the hard working American ppl and for this I stand with the law breakers keep on coming out with ways to scam the tolls. I was born and raised in nyc but I will no longer travel by car if I’m going to the city. Also be on the look out for those price hikes on Ubers in that area lol