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How Place-Based Bucket Lists Will Make You More Adventurous

Working full-time as a graduate student packed my schedule with deadlines and obligations – I never had a free weekend! After I finished my degree, I realized I needed to prioritize the experiences I’d been longing for, especially the exciting, off-the-beaten-path museums, embassy events, and neighborhood festivals around my home in Washington, D.C.

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Making It Happen

My first step in taking control of my post-grad adventure was hopping on my phone, opening my Notes app, and building a hometown bucket list, stacked with activities like “take the gargoyle tour at the National Cathedral,” “visit the Mansion on O Street,” and “attend the Congressional Baseball Game.” 

The thought of “What should I do this weekend?” was quickly followed by a scan down my activities list rather than trying to come up with something on the spot or settling on the next Netflix episode. I had a lineup of experiences ready to choose from that genuinely excited me.

When visitors came to town, I had many ideas for their stay. As a tour guide, I was able to give my friends and family a local perspective of the city and, as a bonus, check off places on my bucket list.

When making plans with local friends, I always had fun ways to spend time together beyond the monotony of going to the same bar or restaurant (though there is undoubtedly a place for that, too.)

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Connecting With Community

After a few months of using place-based bucket lists, I wanted to document my experiences, provide recommendations, and inspire others to explore the world around them. I created an Instagram account, connecting me with the kindest community of like-minded creators who have since become friends.

It’s pushed me to explore corners of my community I never knew existed. I became more adventurous on my walks. Instead of sticking to the same old routes, I turned down new streets to see what was there. I thought I loved my home before, but after getting to know it better, I realized I had only scratched the surface.

Thinking critically about what I wanted out of my free time pushed me to reevaluate my life goals. I felt empowered to listen to the voice in my head asking, “What if you tried something new today?” 

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Expanding My Horizons

One positive aspect of post-grad life was the ability to pick up and move somewhere new. For some, this came as moving to the suburbs for more space. But for me, after finding adventure locally, I knew I was ready to take on an even bigger one–moving to New York City.

Some days, as I sit in my little Brooklyn apartment, I envy those who moved to the suburbs. But most days, moving to New York City to fulfill my bucket list is a dream come true.

Once I was no longer restricted by time and budget, I had a newfound appreciation for my adventures. I’m no longer waiting for the right circumstances or someone to go with me to try new things. Some of my fondest memories and most significant growth have been when I pushed myself beyond my comfort zone.

I now spend much of my free time checking off experiences and adding to my list. Since it’s still my first year as a New Yorker, my list includes “ice skate in Central Park” and “attend a Yankees game,” along with more local things I’ve learned about since moving here, like “see the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens during peak bloom.”

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Finding Your Adventure

You don’t have to fill your bucket list with marvelous activities for it to be worth making. It can be as simple as making reservations at a restaurant you’ve been meaning to try or visiting a new part of town that you wouldn’t otherwise go to. Writing down your ideas and sharing them with friends or family will help hold you accountable, and, in my experience, the people you share your list with will want to join you.

It’s easy to become complacent in our daily lives, to assume that our circumstances will remain the same and our current opportunities will continue to exist. But I know that whatever tomorrow, the next month, or the next year brings, I want to spend each day making memories I won’t forget.

So, tell me, what’s on your bucket list?

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