About the Author

Andrew Sheldon
Articles by Andrew Sheldon
Everything You Need to Know About Car Recalls
Car recalls happen all the time. How do you know if your vehicle has been affected, and what steps should you take if it is?
The History of the Presidential State Car
From the Sunshine Special to The Beast, the presidential state car has undergone an incredible evolution.
The Black Pioneers of the Automotive Industry
Whether breaking color barriers or inventing critical safety features, these are some of the Black pioneers that revolutionized the car world.
Travel the U.S. Civil Rights Trail
Winding through 14 Southern states, the U.S. Civil Rights Trail links more than 100 sites significant to the Civil Rights Movement.
4 Art-Themed Road Trips to Take in the Northeast
Journey throughout the Northeast to discover the region’s rich artistic tableau.
The Top Night Skiing Spots in the Northeast
If you like skiing in the daytime, you’ll love it at night. More and more ski resorts throughout the Northeast are keeping their trails open after sunset.
What Causes Low Tire Pressure in Winter?
It’s inevitable – your car tires will lose air pressure during the winter. Here’s why it happens.
How to Defrost Car Windows and Other Winter Conundrums
Learn how to defrost car windows as quickly as possible and safely rid your vehicle of snow, ice and salt.
Discover the Northeast’s Most Famous Movie Locations
Our region has been the backdrop for some of Hollywood’s biggest hits, but you don’t need a movie ticket to experience these sites.
Are Electric Cars Good in Winter?
Winter is a taxing season, and electric cars aren’t spared its wrath. But don’t give up on these eco-friendly vehicles when the temperature drops.
The History of the Holiday Hess Trucks
Hess holiday trucks have been around for more than half a century. Over that time, they’ve become one of the most iconic toys ever made.
Winter Tires and Other Tips on How to Winterize Your Car
Winter tires will help you safely navigate snowy and icy roads. Depending on how much snow you drive in, they may be a smart investment.
Top Challenges for Older Drivers
Older drivers face physical and cognitive challenges that can make operating a vehicle more difficult. Here’s how to overcome them.
AAA DMV Services Available Near You
Finally, there’s a way to avoid the lines at the DMV! AAA offers select DMV and RMV services at all branches in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and New York.
Safe Driving Tips for Hazardous Conditions
Driving is so routine, it’s easy to let safety slip your mind. These tips will help you navigate dangerous roads and other questionable conditions.
What To Do When You Get Sideswiped
Minor collisions can cause major damage. Here’s how to handle a sideswipe situation and how insurance can help.
Basic Car Maintenance 101
While basic car maintenance should be done routinely, there’s no better time to check up on your car than the present.
Is Marry the House, Date the Rate a Good Homebuying Strategy?
Is now the right time to buy a house? If you utilize the strategy of “marry the house, date the rate,” the answer could be yes.
The History of the Car Cup Holder
We take it for granted, but it wasn’t long ago that the car cup holder didn’t exist. Here’s how it became such an important automotive feature.
The Importance of Comparison Shopping
Receiving just one additional quote on your loan could save you thousands of dollars in the long run.