aaa tech

Battery Service With a Smile

Delvy Gil, battery service technician for AAA, starts and ends every shift with a smile.

“I’m a happy person,” he said. “Work is my second home.”

Gil enjoys being a battery service technician for the opportunity it gives him to meet new people every day and help them with their car troubles.

He covers the area around Lowell, Mass., responding to appointments for free battery testing and calls for help from members at the roadside.

When he arrives at a call, he does his best to turn around a member’s difficult day with his optimistic attitude. “I politely try to make them laugh to cheer them up,” he said. “Usually people are nervous. I want them to feel safe and comfortable and have confidence in me.”

Gil is particularly attentive to member safety when he’s providing battery service on a highway. “Once I get to the location, I take control of the scene. I ask them to step out of the vehicle and out of the area. I make sure they are not behind the car or my truck and behind a guardrail, if possible. When I’m done, I never leave a member. They have to leave before me.”

During the COVID-19 pandemic, people are afraid to get too close, he said, and he makes sure they know that they don’t have to. He follows the strict protocol laid out by AAA for protective gear and social distancing. When he takes a battery service appointment at someone’s home, he tells them they can stay in the house.

Gil, originally from the Dominican Republic, has been with AAA for more than six years and has an impeccable safety record. He said that members usually respond positively to his accent and tell him they will not forget it.

“I want them to remember me for providing the best service possible,” he said.

Do you know when to replace your car battery? Members can make an appointment to have their batteries tested for free, and if necessary, purchase a new one on the spot. Visit to find out more.

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