flower photos

AAA Photo Session: Flowers

Thank You for Participating!

Summer is in full bloom! You headed out into your backyards, parks and local botanical gardens, and sent us photos of the flowers that inspired you. Together, you created a beautiful garden, full of color and variety. Explore the gallery below to see all the pictures we received, and don’t forget to check our social media channels, where we will be sharing some of our favorites. Select photos may also be featured in an upcoming issue of Your AAA magazine.

Tips on Photographing Flowers

“The earth laughs in flowers.” I have to agree with Ralph Waldo Emerson on this. Flowers are one of Mother Nature’s most beautiful creations. There is nothing that brings me more joy than photographing a field of wildflowers.

There are so many things to consider when photographing flowers, from lens choice to lighting. Although you are starting out with a photogenic subject, there are still ways to elevate a quick snap to a thoughtful, vibrant and well-composed image that amplifies what nature provides. I am sharing my favorite flower photography tips below.

Lens Choice

You can use just about any lens for flower photos. Different apertures and focal lengths yield completely different results. For example, a macro lens will allow you to get really close and capture all the details, whereas a wide-angle lens will show more of the flower in its environment. I love using a macro lens and my 135mm f/1.8 lens. The 135mm gives beautiful blur and compression. I recommend playing with different lenses and focal lengths to see what you like best.

flower photos
(Photo: Beth Mancuso)


If you are a novice, I highly recommend waiting for an overcast day or cloud cover to try out flower photography. Overcast days provide soft, evenly distributed light, which really makes for beautiful pictures. Full sun leaves you with bright spots and harsh shadows. If you find yourself stuck with a sunny day, you can use a diffuser to filter the harsh sun rays.

More experienced photographers should snap floral pics during the golden hours – the hour after sunrise and before sunset. Golden hour shots add in more lighting dimension and an overall sense of warmth.

Aperture Choice

When photographing flowers you need to consider your depth of field. Do you want to showcase just one flower and have the background be blurry? If so, then you will want to choose a large aperture – anywhere between f/1.8 -f/4. If you are trying to capture multiple flowers or a field of flowers you will want to choose a small aperture – anywhere between f/11-f/22.


Framing your flowers with other flowers or leaves makes for an interesting composition. You can look for plants that are already there or you can try cutting one and holding it near the flower or your lens.

Height and Angles

Vary your height and angles when shooting flowers. I like to take them from three different angles and heights. I start out at the flower’s height, move up slightly, and then take one shot straight down on the flower. I like to rotate 360 degrees around the flower too. Your lighting and background can be completely different with each turn.

flower photos
(Photo: Beth Mancuso)

Bonus Tip

Bring a water mister or spray bottle with you to spray the flowers with water. This will add some beautiful water droplets to your flowers.

Check out past AAA Photo Sessions and stay tuned for the next one, coming soon.

Beth Mancuso is a professional landscape and travel photographer.

36 Thoughts on “AAA Photo Session: Flowers

  1. Odd. Your subtitle says “See the results of our monthly photo assignment!”, but the credits at the bottom say “Beth Mancuso is a professional landscape and travel photographer. All photos are hers.” There are also no flower contributions in the Fall AAA issue.
    Perhaps I missed something. (?)

    1. Hi J – The photos submitted by members are featured in the slideshow (under “Thanks for Participating!”). The photos that you see within the article itself are Beth Mancuso’s. Photos from all our Photo Sessions can end up in any upcoming issue. Keep an eye out for some flowers in the future! Thanks for reading. 🙂

  2. It seems as though a lot of people had questions about whether their photos were received. Count me in with that group.

  3. I sent my photo in on the 24th and it was not published. I signed and sent in the release and printed it out. Can you tell me what happened. Note: I also got the survey completed
    window after having tried at least four times to upload my photo.

    1. Hi Gregg, that was an oversight on our part. Your photo was received and the slideshow has been updated to include it. Thank you!

  4. oh goodness another request… sorry but did you receive my form allowing you to post pics?

  5. Hi Mary – Yes, sorry, the flower Photo Session has concluded. If you’d like to participate in next month’s session, the theme is going to be the ocean. Request for submissions will be going live on 7/6. 🙂 Thank you!

  6. Can you help?
    I receive – Survey completed – after completing the release form and submitting a photo, It has happened 3 times, Thank you1

  7. Hi -Did you receive my Photo? I think I sent it a few times because there was nothing that said it went through.

  8. I tried to enter a photo but I get a window that says “Survey Completed”. I don’t know if my photo has been uploaded.

  9. Has my photo been received…….after submitting, Survey Completed came up on the screen. I signed the photo release form.

    1. Hi Connie – we got your photo. Thanks for participating! Come back and visit this post next week and it will be updated with a slideshow of all the beautiful photos we have received. We will also be sharing some on our social media pages and in the magazine. 🙂

    1. Hi Patricia, we received your photo but not your photo release. Please sign this form to give us permission to share your photo. 🙂 Thank you for participating in Your AAA Photo Session! -Marisa

      1. Hi Judi, we have your photo. Thank you! Keep an eye out for it later in the month when we update the post with all the beautiful flower photos we’ve received.

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