
AAA Photo Session: Reflections

In a mirror, in a puddle or on the surface of a perfectly still lake, reflections offer new perspective and make for especially interesting photos.

Thank You for Participating! (Session Closed) 

Browse through all of the photos we received during April’s reflection-themed Photo Session in the slideshow below, and don’t forget to check our social media channels, where we will be sharing some of our favorites. Select photos may also appear in an upcoming issue of Your AAA magazine.

Reflection Photo Tips

  • Adjust your gaze. You’ll be surprised at all the reflections you can find once you start looking for them. A puddle is just a puddle until you notice it’s reflecting the blossoming cherry tree above it. Look for reflections in everything from shiny cars to storefront windows.
  • Play with composition and angles. Try different ways to compose your photo and a variety of angles. Depending on your approach, reflection photos could be symmetrical or otherworldly and surreal.
  • Plan ahead. Sunrise and sunset are peak times for reflections. Double the color!

Learn more about reflection photography and the right camera settings to use with these tips from Adobe.

Check out past AAA Photo Sessions and stay tuned for the next one.

Looking for a new tripod, camera bag or filter? Shop our Amazon storefront for camera accessories and gadgets. 

5 Thoughts on “AAA Photo Session: Reflections

  1. What is the URL to find the following month’s Photo Session theme? I can only find the results of past ones that are closed for submissions. Thanks.

    1. Hi Beth, we will be posting the May theme this Thursday, 5/5. Check back then at Thank you!

  2. Hi,
    I’m trying to upload a photo to Photo Session: Reflections & I’m getting this message: 413 Request Entity Too Large. Please let me know what the max file size is.
    Thank you,

    1. Hi Jim, 1MB is the maximum file size. Thank you! Looking forward to seeing your reflection photo.

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