Rush-hour headache

Rush-Hour Headache Relief

New York City and Boston rank in the top 20 cities in the world with the worst rush hour traffic, according to the annual INRIX Global Traffic Scorecard.

Even if you live outside these cities, driving during rush hour can be incredibly stressful and frustrating. Use these tips to make your gridlocked commute a little safer.

Getting Started

It may seem like common sense, but try to leave before or after peak driving hours, said AAA Media Relations Manager Robert Sinclair Jr. In most places, peak driving hours are 8 to 9 a.m. and 5 to 6 p.m. Leaving 15 minutes before or after these times can make a big difference.

Alternate Routes

There is usually more than one way to get somewhere. Learn alternate routes to and from your daily destination. And know when local radio stations broadcast traffic reports, which can help you steer clear of congested roads, Sinclair said.

Drive Smart

Defensive driving is always important, but especially in heavy traffic. Always signal lane changes, keep plenty of room between your car and the one ahead of you and scan for slowdowns in traffic ahead. Decelerate as needed and avoid abrupt stops.

Keep Cool

Just because somebody else drives irresponsibly doesn’t mean you need to do the same. If you see a driver swerving in and out of lanes, tailgating or eating, keep your distance and let them pass you.

What is your biggest frustration about your daily commute. Tell us in the comments section below.

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5 Thoughts on “Rush-Hour Headache Relief

  1. People honking their horns, especially at school buses and garbage trucks. Drivers that pull up to your bumper before changing to the next lane.

  2. Consider putting your smartphone in the back seat to avoid distractions during boring stop & go driving.

  3. Why can’t people be more courteous when it comes to a merge. Take turns going. We all want to get work or home.

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