dental coverage

7 Reasons You Need Dental Coverage

Nearly all adults and parents say they consider oral health to be imperative to overall health and consider dental visits a priority. However, cost is a key factor in keeping people from going to the dentist and getting the proper care they need.

If you do not have dental insurance, signing up for an independent plan may sound like just another monthly bill. But securing dental coverage can actually save you money in the long run.

Dental problems can happen at any time, and without regular checkups and maintenance, they are even more likely. Furthermore, if left untreated, small issues could snowball into problems that can quickly become painful – and painfully expensive – to treat.

Fortunately, access to affordable dental insurance is easier than ever for AAA members in Rhode Island. Whether you are self-employed, retired or do not have dental insurance provided through your employer, there are options to keep your smile fresh, clean and healthy.

Here are some of the top reasons you should consider getting dental coverage.

A Shining Smile

Even folks who brush and floss daily can develop stains, tartar and cavities.

One of the main benefits of dental insurance is access to regular teeth cleanings, a deep clean that typically includes removing plaque and tarter, fluoride treatment and an assessment for gingivitis, cavities and other oral health concerns.

Whiter teeth, a healthier mouth and fresher breath are definitely reasons worth smiling about!

Affordable Dental Care

Most plans, like the Delta Dental Insurance offered through AAA Northeast in Rhode Island, include 100% coverage for annual cleanings, exams and X-rays, so you don’t have to pay for these critical screenings.

Having dental insurance can also curb your out-of-pocket expense for fillings, crowns, root canals and more. Those without dental insurance often have to pay the total cost of these common procedures.

It Could Prevent Costly Procedures

Because preventive care is covered, people with dental insurance are more likely to schedule appointments as regularly as they are needed. This not only helps to stop problems from arising in the first place but could ward off costly future complications.

For instance, if your dentist notices a new cavity developing during your routine check-up and X-ray, you can simply schedule a filling. If the cavity goes unnoticed for long, it could create deeper tooth decay, creating a need for more expensive treatments such as a root canal.

Dental and Vision Insurance for Rhode Island AAA Members

Comprehensive coverage at exclusive rates for AAA members in Rhode Island.

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A Healthy Mouth = A Healthy Life 

Your oral health is a window to your overall wellness. Health conditions like heart disease and diabetes, have proven links to oral care.

Think about it: Your gums and oral tissue include a rich network of blood vessels. These blood vessels are closer to the surface than the blood vessels in your skin (hence the pink color of your gums). Too much bad bacteria in your mouth could enter your bloodstream through unhealthy gums, leading to health issues in other parts of the body.

Your dentist will also screen for oral cancers.

Regular dental visits are important, not only for maintaining a healthy mouth, but for preventing harmful diseases. It could save your life.

Insurance Makes Life Easier 

Many dental insurers offer time-saving tools to help you find a local, in-network dentist, estimate the cost of specific dental procedures and even pay your dental bills quickly through online portals or apps.

avoiding the dentist

Provides Continued Care With Age

Dental coverage is particularly beneficial for aging seniors, as the risk of dry mouth, gum infection and certain types of cavities can increase with age, according to the American Dental Association.

Unfortunately, dental procedures are not typically covered by Medicare. Seniors that invest in their own dental insurance plan throughout retirement can stay on the right track with accessibility and coverage for routine dental care and procedures.

Peace of Mind  

People with dental plans appreciate the peace of mind that comes with it. Most people use dental coverage to keep up with annual teeth cleanings and other preventative oral screenings, but there’s no telling when you might need a costly dental procedure.

A tooth infection can rear its head despite your best hygiene efforts. And if you or a family member has ever had an unfortunate accident that resulted in chipped or broken teeth, the last thing you want to do is worry about whether you can cover the costs of cosmetic repairs.

The benefits of having dental insurance are clear. Don’t neglect your smile. With such affordable, accessible options available, it’s a worthwhile investment.

Learn about the perks of enrolling with Delta Dental, available to AAA members in Rhode Island. 

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