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Tag: retirement


Use a Reverse Mortgage to Fight Inflation

December 23, 2024. Jane Bartnett

A reverse mortgage can help you stay in your home and stay afloat as prices continue to rise.

Cars & Trucks

Top Challenges for Older Drivers

November 14, 2024. Andrew Sheldon

Older drivers face physical and cognitive challenges that can make operating a vehicle more difficult. Here’s how to overcome them.


Four Essential Steps to Elevate Your Finances in Your 20s

October 25, 2024. AAA Staff

By Kristen Bednarczyk

Health & Fitness

Breast Cancer Survivor Pushing Toward $1 Million Goal

October 15, 2024. Ellen R. Delisio

After her breast cancer diagnosis, AAA member Dianne Fonseca became a fierce advocate for raising awareness and supporting the cause.

Health & Fitness

3 Reasons to Keep Dental Insurance After Retirement

October 11, 2024. Sarah Vincelette

Maintaining your oral health post-retirement is more important than you’d think. Here’s why.

Life Insurance

Term vs. Whole Life Insurance: What Is the Difference?

September 03, 2024. Robert Yaniz Jr

Thinking about life insurance but not sure if you should go with a whole or term policy? We explore the basics of each to help you determine which plan is right for you.

Life Insurance

Building Your Financial House With Insurance

August 22, 2024. Sarah Vincelette

How to strategize for your financial future with a helpful metaphor as your blueprint.


When Should You Take RMDs?

August 21, 2024. Meredith Bethune

Is it better to take your required minimum distributions monthly or annually? Here are the pros and cons associated with the timing of RMDs.

Health & Fitness

7 Reasons You Need Dental Coverage

August 15, 2024. Leandra Beabout

Don’t risk going without dental insurance. Simple, affordable plans are available exclusively for AAA Northeast members in Rhode Island.


Money Mistakes to Avoid in Retirement

August 13, 2024. Meredith Bethune

Ready for retirement? Consider these factors when planning to get the most from your savings.


Good Questions to Ask a Financial Advisor

July 30, 2024. Meredith Bethune

When it comes to something as important as retirement planning, you want to ensure you’re putting your goals in to the right hands.

Life Insurance

Why It’s Never Too Early to Start Thinking About Life Insurance

July 22, 2024. Robert Yaniz Jr

Start planning for the future and take advantage of low rates by getting life insurance coverage as soon as possible.


Retirement Withdrawal Strategies to Think About

July 17, 2024. Meredith Bethune

How to ensure your nest egg lasts through your golden years.

AAA & Travel

Help AAA Give Back to Your Community

July 10, 2024. Ellen R. Delisio

From cleanups to food drives, AAA Northeast hosts events throughout the year where employees and members work together to help local communities.

Life Insurance

Why Life Insurance Through Work Isn’t Enough

June 10, 2024. Sarah Vincelette

The life insurance provided through your place of work is a valuable benefit, but not having supplemental coverage could leave you and your family exposed to financial risks.


Graduation Gifts to Get Your Grad Financially Ready

May 02, 2024. Robert Yaniz Jr

Practical gifts to help newly-minted alumni get started on the right track financially.

Credit Cards

How to Build Your Credit Score

April 24, 2024. Andrew Sheldon

If you’re recovering from a poor financial stretch or simply just beginning your credit history, there are a number of ways to build your credit score.

Road Trips

7 Minor League Baseball Cities Worth Visiting

March 22, 2024. Andrew Sheldon

Minor league baseball can be a less expensive, more entertaining alternative to major league games. Plus, teams are located in distinctly unique cities, ideal for exploring.

Budget-Wise & Savings

Building Your Budgeting Toolbox

February 13, 2024. Marisa Perjatel

Like any job, budgeting becomes easier when you have the right tools. Find out what you need to know to save.


Is Winter the Best Time of Year to Buy a House?

February 03, 2024. Chris Wood

Less competition and more room to negotiate are a few reasons why winter is the best time of year to buy a house.