winter photography

AAA Photo Session: Winter Photography

Arctic temperatures and snow push many people inside their homes for the winter season. Not photographers! Many squeal in delight at the sight of a fresh snowfall or a frozen waterfall. While winter photography presents some unique obstacles, they can easily be overcome if you know what you are doing.

Thank You for Participating!

Thanks to all who shared a photo. Despite the freezing cold and short days of winter, the Northeast sure looks pretty dressed in a fresh coat of snow.

Take a look at all of the submissions in the slideshow and don’t forget to check our social media channels, where we will be featuring some of our favorites. You may even see your photo in an upcoming issue of Your AAA magazine!

Six Tips for Winter Photography

Check Your Exposure

The brightness of snow can sometimes throw your camera’s meter off. You can end up with an image that is too bright or too gray depending on the light that day. Always check the back of your camera to make sure you have the correct exposure. Use your exposure compensation button to increase or decrease the light.

Fresh Is Best

Snow is best captured after a fresh snowfall. Look for snow that hasn’t been trampled by feet or vehicles. This may mean waking up before the rest of the world to capture it in its pristine beauty.

winter photography
(Photo: Beth Mancuso)

Freeze Motion

If it is snowing outside and you want to capture the snowfall in action make sure you have a fast shutter speed. Anything over 1/300th of a second will freeze the motion. Use a telephoto lens and set it to your largest aperture value (ie: f/2.8 – f/4), then zoom in on your subject. Doing so will cause compression in your image which will bring the snowfall in the back and front of your image to be closer to the subject resulting in an image that shows more snowfall action.

Learn more about aperture, shutter speed and other camera settings.

winter photography
(Photo: Beth Mancuso)

Show Motion

Waterfalls are really fun to photograph in the winter especially if you catch them before they completely freeze over or when they have started to melt. To show motion in the water you will need two things a slow shutter speed and a tripod to keep your camera steady. I recommend a shutter speed of 1/6th  of a second or slower.

Heat It Up

Camera and phone batteries drain fast in cold temperatures. I recommend keeping your spare batteries and phone in an inner pocket of your coat.

Inside Out

Those who are not huge fans of the cold will argue that the ideal winter scene is the warm and cozy confines of their home. If it’s too freezing for you to venture outside, find inspiration around you. Try photographing your winter lifestyle indoors. Take pictures of the view from outside your window or capture the intricate details of frost as it forms on your window.

These days, whether you want to or not, we’ve all had to spend a lot of time indoors. The silver lining is that it’s a great time to begin a photography hobby. Look into getting a new camera, stock up on equipment or play around with taking photos with your phone. We have a bunch of photography tips right here on Your AAA to get you started.

winter photography
(Photo: Beth Mancuso)

Check out past AAA Photo Sessions and stay tuned for the next one, coming soon.

Beth Mancuso is a professional landscape and travel photographer.

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