5 Questions With … Damond James

5 Questions With … Damond James

Marketing is in Damond James’ blood.

The senior manager of membership experience for AAA Northeast started his career with a bang, serving a decade-long stint with Atomic Marketing, serving as director of operations before moving on to marketing consultants Mindspark7. There, he helped implement successful marketing initiatives for more than 100 clients, including several international, high-profile brands.

After leaving Mindspark7, Damond spent the next four years trying on different marketing positions with Leapfrog Group, Somerset Solutions and a Toyota dealership, before finding his perfect fit at AAA Northeast in September 2011.

We recently sat down with the quick-witted manager to get his take on fashion, apps and any secret hobbies he’s saving for retirement.

Q: If you could bring back any fashion trend, what would it be?
Suit of armor. Because who doesn’t look cool in a suit of armor??

Q: What is your most used emoji?
Thumb’s up. By far. Probably influenced by The Fonz.

Q: If you had to delete all but three apps from your smartphone, which ones would you keep?
Waze, RV Parky, and Amazon Music. Hate getting lost, have an RV and tunes are a must!

Q: If you had a boat, what would you name it?
The Orca of course! Jaws came out when I was 10 and had a huge impact on me!

Q: Do you collect anything?
Sea/Beach glass. Can walk a beach for hours looking for it. Have jars of it but not done anything with it yet. One day when I’m feeling really creative…

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