Whether you’re a solo traveler hoping to join like-minded people on your next vacation or a couple eager to explore with friends, a small group tour might be the perfect choice for your next trip.
AAA Member Choice Vacations (MCV) Explorations specializes in small group tours with an average of 16 travelers, so you can get to know the places you are visiting on a different level. Experienced tour managers plan the day with a mix of exciting experiences and plenty of free time to explore on your own or with new friends from your group.
A few of our favorite things about small group tours:
- You can leave the logistics to the pros and still enjoy a personalized experience. No evenings and weekends spent researching hotels, reading restaurant reviews or comparison shopping for tickets and tour guides.
- Deeper cultural immersion. Want to have lunch with a local? Fancy a tour of an iconic landmark without the crowds? Or do you want the chance to get to know your local guide by sharing meals and train rides together? These things aren’t often possible on larger tours.
- Forging new friendships. With a small group tour, you’re not just a face in the crowd. These tight-knit groups offer a chance to get to know your fellow travelers and local guides.
There are many small group tours designed to suit various interests, from culture and history to wildlife and nature. Here’s a peek at just a few exciting AAA MCV Explorations tours.
Italy: Tuscan & Umbrian Countryside
A journey through Italy’s quintessential rolling hills and vineyards feels like stepping into a postcard. This small group trip kicks off with a day in Rome before taking you to Umbria to explore the historic streets of Orvieto, a majestic clifftop town. You’re sure to form new friendships and fall in love with new Italian foods (sheep cheese, anyone?) and small hilltop villages on this classic 10-day trip through two of Italy’s most beautiful, breathtaking regions.

Japan: Past & Present
Japan is a bucket-list destination for many American travelers. It’s a land of contrasts. Deep cultural traditions such as tea ceremonies and geisha entertainment coexist with the neon-lit streets of Tokyo, where you’re just as likely to enjoy dinner at a conveyor belt sushi joint as a traditional Japanese bar (izakaya) hidden in one of Shinjuku’s labyrinthine alleys. On this small group tour, you and your fellow travelers will experience it all: Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka, all connected by Japan’s famous bullet trains and led by a local guide.
Scotland: Islands of Lore & Legend
You and your group will spend 12 days and 11 nights discovering the legends and history of this wild northern portion of the United Kingdom. Along the way, you can sip local whisky, learn the history of Scottish clans and enjoy the spectacular coastal views from a cozy hotel in windswept Loch Melfort. Last stop? Edinburgh, where the tour officially ends, but you and your crew will have the option to stay another night exploring.

Icelandic Adventure
Known as “the land of fire and ice,” Iceland is perfect for adventurers, nature lovers and landscape photographers of all skill levels. Prepare to forge new friendships as you visit the Langjökull glacier, go whale-watching, see wild Icelandic horses and take a dip in the Instagram-famous Blue Lagoon with a dozen or so fellow travelers. This trip is 10 straight days of breathtaking landscapes and incredible new experiences, all planned out for you and led by friendly local guides.
Exploring South Africa, Victoria Falls & Botswana
Are you dreaming of an adventure in Africa but don’t know where to start? This incredible small group journey perfectly balances cultural immersion, wildlife sightings and jaw-dropping scenery. You can forget the logistics and simply enjoy the trip as you take a deep dive into southern Africa. Get ready for eight safari drives, a memorable starlit bush dinner, a home-hosted lunch near Victoria Falls, South African winery visits and so much more. You’ll never forget this 15-day vacation with a small group of fellow adventurers and guides.
These five itineraries are just the tip of the iceberg. AAA Member Choice Vacations has dozens of small group Explorations tours in exciting places, including Machu Picchu and India’s Golden Triangle. Most tours also offer optional extensions for diving even deeper before or after the main trip. Learn more.