katie linendoll's first car

Katie Linendoll’s Nissan Altima

Originally from Erie, Pa., Katie Linendoll wears many hats: Emmy winner, tech expert, avid traveler, TV personality and all around social and tech influencer. You can find her everywhere from NBC’s “Today” Show to “The Rachael Ray Show” to The Weather Channel, talking about technology, gadgets, travel and – yes – even professional wrestling.

What was your first car?

It was a Nissan Altima, and then eventually I leveled up to my dream car, [which] was my Jeep Wrangler, which I had when I was living in Florida. Now, in New York, I still have AAA, and I still rent a lot on the road, but I had to give up my car because people don’t really drive here.

What is your favorite memory of the car?

I grew up in Erie, Pa., and I love that that was a great place to grow up, and you really learn from the blue-collar environment to really work for everything, and I was very proud to have my first car. I know that sounds really cheesy, but, you know, I was in school and I was working a couple jobs, and … it was good to just have that feeling of having my own set of keys. I know that sounds really nerdy.

What happened to it?

I had that car with me from Rochester, N.Y., and then right out of school I went and worked for “SportsCenter” at ESPN in Bristol, Conn. So I took it with me to Bristol, Conn., and then after that I moved to New York, so eventually, I had to move on.

What do you remember about your first car? Tell us in the comments below!

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2 Thoughts on “Katie Linendoll’s Nissan Altima

  1. My first car was a 1936 Ford. I paid $25 for it. While cleaning interior I found a quarter, so actual cost was $24.75, a real bargain. This was in 1954!!!!

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