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Tag: a car

Road Trips

Before You Rent a Car, Know Your Refueling Options

July 03, 2018. Sarah Hopkins

There are several ways you can gas up your rental car. We highlight the different options so you can choose what works best for you and enjoy your road trip without any worries.

Homeowner's Insurance

Hurricane Preparedness Guide

June 26, 2018. Sarah Hopkins

Learn how to prevent damage to your home, how to stay safe during a storm, when to evacuate and so much more.

European Tours

A European Vacation off the Beaten Path

May 29, 2018. AAA Staff

Take your European vacation by river cruise, train or car for a more authentic adventure.

National Parks

102 National Park Attractions

May 25, 2018. Roberto Cruz

Go big with a vacation to an amazing U.S. national park.

Cars & Trucks

DIY Car Organizers & Cleaners: 10 Tips to Get Rid of the Mess

May 15, 2018. Roberto Cruz

These simple car storage tips, car organizers and DIY cleaners will have your car looking and smelling great with a minimal amount of effort.

Health & Fitness

The Importance of Staying Hydrated During Exercise

May 14, 2018. Kimberley Edgar

There’s something about summer that sensitizes even Olaf, the snowman from “Frozen,” and sends him singing. But when the heat rolls in, it’s the beginning of our battle to balance exercise and play beneath the blazing sun. If we’re not careful, we could overheat as quickly as the engine of a car stuck in bumper-to-bumper…

Auto Insurance

Q&A: Does my auto insurance cover a rental car?

May 14, 2018. AAA Staff

The best way to know for sure if your auto insurance coverage includes rentals is to speak with your insurance agent. He or she can explain how your coverage translates to a rental vehicle. For example, your coverage may only apply for up to 30 days. Or your insurer may or may not cover a…


Many Vehicles At Risk of Breaking Down

April 18, 2018. Dana Laverty

AAA finds vehicles 10 years and older are twice as likely to end up stranded on the side of the road compared to newer vehicles.

Cars & Trucks

Ralph Macchio Talks About His Mazda 626

April 17, 2018. AAA Staff

The Long Island-born actor drove his first car across the country to kick off his acting career on “Eight is Enough.”

Road Trips

The Pros of Renting a Car Seat From the Car Rental Company

April 13, 2018. Maddy Osman

Have little ones that require a car seat or booster seat? Find out if renting is the best option for you.