Tag: car brakes

Auto Loans

Minor Car Damage Repairs That Can Cost You Major

November 17, 2021. Andrew Sheldon

Minor car damage may seem like an easy fix, but that’s not always the case. Small issues could lead to bigger problems if ignored or not properly taken care of.

Cars & Trucks

Ask a Mechanic: How Long Do Car Brakes Last?

June 08, 2021. Andrew Sheldon

They’re the most important vehicle safety feature, but are your brakes in good shape? We spoke to a mechanic to learn more about car brakes.

Cars & Trucks

How to Care for Your Car Brakes

April 08, 2021. Nicole Wakelin

Properly caring for car brakes helps ensure that you and your loved ones are safe on the road. Do you need a car brake repair?

Cars & Trucks

An Electric Experience: Driving the BMW i3s

August 12, 2019. Andrew G. Rosen

After a few days behind the wheel of the i3s, the AAA team talks about what it was like to drive BMW’s electric car.

Cars & Trucks

Keep Your Car Running Longer

August 31, 2018. Sarah Hopkins

In this guide, you can learn everything from general car care tips to the nitty-gritty business of keeping your car running like a dream.