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Tag: finances


How to Build Savings While Paying Off Loans

September 01, 2018. Robert Yaniz Jr

It may seem impossible, but you can still build savings while paying off your debts. Learn how to strike the perfect balance with these tips.


Should You Automate Your Savings?

August 06, 2018. Robert Yaniz Jr

Why automated savings accounts are a smart option for helping to build your nest egg.

Home & Savings

Tips For Tying The Financial Knot

June 15, 2018. AAA Staff

Couples getting married have a lot to discuss before their weddings: Venues. Entertainment. Floral arrangements. What may not come up as often, but what definitely should, are finances, according to Jill Schlesinger, senior CFP board ambassador for the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards. “Marriage is two different things. It’s a spiritual union, and it’s…