Azores Leaderboard CTA ROS March 25

Tag: newport

Hotels & Resorts

Things to Do This Weekend at a New England Inn

September 03, 2018. Jill Fergus

If you’re looking for things to do this weekend in New England, look no further than a luxury inn to treat yourself to a relaxing getaway.

Food & Dining

Spruce Up Your Table With Fall Flavors

August 15, 2018. Cassandra Raposo

There are so many possibilities when it comes to cooking with fall’s bounty. Check out these ideas from chefs at AAA Diamond Rated restaurants.

Food & Dining

The Tastiest Northeast Food Destinations

July 31, 2018. Sarah Hopkins

When you’re going on a trip, sometimes the best thing to do is to follow your stomach. In recent years, food tourism has become more and more popular, but you don’t have to go to a far-flung locale to taste something amazing. There’s tasty, unique food around every corner right here in the Northeast. In…

Day Trips

Top 5 Waterfront Foliage Views in the Northeast

July 06, 2018. Joanna Cutrara

Ready for a fall adventure? By the water is where you’ll find some of the Northeast’s most stunning foliage outlooks.

National Parks

5 Iconic American Road Trips

June 26, 2018. AAA Staff

Hit the road on one of these amazing routes to get a real feel for all America has to offer.

Homeowner's Insurance

Hurricane Preparedness Guide

June 26, 2018. AAA Staff

Learn how to prevent damage to your home, how to stay safe during a storm, when to evacuate and so much more.

Food & Dining

AAA Diamond Fare: From Best to Even Better

June 15, 2018. Cassandra Raposo

Thanks to AAA inspectors, you don’t need to wonder where to eat this weekend … or any weekend. Whether you’re looking for a quick bite or a fine-dining experience, inspectors have it covered. They visit hundreds of restaurants across the country each year to judge the food, service and decor, among other things. They approve…

National Parks

102 National Park Attractions: America’s Most Awe-Inspiring Natural Wonders and Historic Monuments

May 25, 2018. AAA Staff

From sea to shining sea, America the Beautiful has one of the richest and most diverse landscapes in the world. Discover over 100 of the most impressive national park attractions.

National Parks

102 National Park Attractions

May 25, 2018. Roberto Cruz

Go big with a vacation to an amazing U.S. national park.

Health & Fitness

Live a Healthier Life

April 24, 2018. AAA Staff

Eat better, stay active and reduce stress with the helpful tips inside this free guide from Your AAA.

Health & Fitness

Live a Healthier Life: Eat Better, Stay Active and Reduce Stress

April 24, 2018. AAA Staff

Get on the track to a healthier you with this helpful health and fitness guide from Your AAA.

Road Trips

Plan a New York State Getaway

April 13, 2018. AAA Staff

From the shores of Long Island all the way to the Enchanted Mountains of Cattaraugus County, explore the many ways to make memories in New York State.

Homeowner's Insurance

42 Home Improvement Projects: And How to Protect Your Biggest Investment

March 05, 2018. AAA Staff

Learn fun DIY renovation projects and how to protect your biggest investment – your home – with this free guide from Your AAA.

Day Trips

Best New England Day Trips for Couples

March 01, 2018. AAA Staff

From hiking and kayaking to dining on farm-to-table delicacies, the New England states offer many tempting ways for couples to spend the day together.  

Ocean Cruises

Nail Your Next Ocean Cruise

January 31, 2018. AAA Staff

Find the cruise of a lifetime and get the best rates with help from this FREE Your AAA guide to ocean cruising.


Nail Your Next Ocean Cruise: The Definitive Guide to Planning and Enjoying a Vacation at Sea

January 31, 2018. AAA Staff

Set sail on the vacation of a lifetime with the helpful tips inside this free Your AAA guide to ocean cruising.

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Road Trips

Fun Places to Visit in the Northeast

August 15, 2017. AAA Staff

The Northeast is packed with amazing destinations and towns within driving distance of both New York and Boston. This guide will hit the 202 best drive trips within two hours of those great cities. From the tip of Long Island to the curved arm of Cape Cod, to the coastal gems in Maine, including Acadia…


Fun Places to Visit in the Northeast: 202 Road Trips from New York and Boston

August 03, 2017. AAA Staff

In the Northeast, you’re surrounded by hundreds of incredible places to visit, sights to see, fun activities to enjoy – all within easy driving distance from wherever you live.

North American Tours

College Road Trips: Places to See on Your College Search

August 01, 2017. Kim Foley MacKinnon

There’s hardly a parent with a teenager contemplating college that hasn’t hit the road to visit potential schools. From simple afternoon visits to more complicated college road trips, it’s wise to book some noncollege-oriented activities to offset some of the pressure. After all, when both you and your child are deciding their future for the…