Tag: older adults
Stay Safe and Warm During a Winter Power Outage
January 13, 2025. AAA Staff
Steps you can take to stay warm if you lose power this winter.
Use a Reverse Mortgage to Fight Inflation
December 23, 2024. Jane Bartnett
A reverse mortgage can help you stay in your home and stay afloat as prices continue to rise.
Top Challenges for Older Drivers
November 14, 2024. Andrew Sheldon
Older drivers face physical and cognitive challenges that can make operating a vehicle more difficult. Here’s how to overcome them.
3 Reasons to Keep Dental Insurance After Retirement
October 11, 2024. Sarah Vincelette
Maintaining your oral health post-retirement is more important than you’d think. Here’s why.
5 Popular Housing Options for Retirees
September 09, 2023. Andrew Sheldon
With the increased need of daily assistance and medical care, choosing the right housing is critical for retirees.
The Key to Fighting Cavities as You Get Older
April 24, 2023. Sarah Hopkins
Spotting cavities gets harder as you get older, but these tips can help you stay ahead of tooth decay well into your golden years.
Why Dental Insurance Is Important for Retirees
October 27, 2022. Sarah Hopkins
You might not be working anymore, but your teeth still have to.
8 Easy Indoor Senior Workouts
July 03, 2020. Ellis Einhorn
Simple ways for older adults to stay active in their own space, on their own time.
5 Steps to Achieving Work-Life Balance
May 19, 2020. AAA Staff
To perform your best in and outside of the office, try these work-life balance tips.
Senior Drivers Using Potentially Impairing Medications
May 03, 2019. Andrew Sheldon
AAA Foundation finds that nearly 1 in 5 older drivers uses medications that should be avoided.
The Importance of Staying Hydrated During Exercise
May 14, 2018. Kimberley Edgar
There’s something about summer that sensitizes even Olaf, the snowman from “Frozen,” and sends him singing. But when the heat rolls in, it’s the beginning of our battle to balance exercise and play beneath the blazing sun. If we’re not careful, we could overheat as quickly as the engine of a car stuck in bumper-to-bumper…