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Tag: Seattle

Cars & Trucks

Google’s Project Green Light Eases Traffic Jams

August 27, 2024. Ellen R. Delisio

As roads get more congested, some cities are turning to AI to help traffic move more smoothly.

Air Travel

Nearly 44 Million Americans Are Traveling for Memorial Day

May 15, 2024. AAA Staff

The number of Memorial Day travelers has finally exceeded pre-pandemic levels.

Road Trips

Road Trip Horoscope: Where To Go Based on Your Sign

December 01, 2023. Sarah Hopkins

Can’t decide on your next road trip destination? Let the stars be your guide.


9 Iconic Football Games Played in the Northeast

August 03, 2023. Andrew Sheldon

The region has hosted many of the most iconic football games ever played, dating back to the 1800s.

North American Tours

US and Canada Rail Trips That Can’t Be Missed

July 20, 2023. Sarah Hopkins

All aboard! For convenient, scenic and unforgettable trips across the country and to Canada, take the train.