how much to tip valet

How Much to Tip Valet When Parking

In the ideal valet scenario, you pull up like one of the cool guys in the movies, toss your keys to the driver with a wink and ask him to “keep it close.” What happens in reality? Not so smooth.

In what is often a confusing and sometimes hectic situation, many are left guessing when it comes to proper valet protocol. How much to tip valet? Where to stop the car? Do you tip at drop off or pick up? What we should do and what’s right to do is not always clear-cut.

We spoke to lifestyle and etiquette expert Elaine Swann, aka “The Etiquette Lady,” for her advice and asked valets from Teller’s Chophouse in Islip, N.Y., for their take.

how much to tip valet

Although trusting a stranger with the keys of one of your most expensive possessions can be a bit unnerving, valet service is offered at high-end hotels and restaurants to elevate your overall experience at the establishment and can make it even more enjoyable. As Teller’s General Manager Frank Ferraro puts it, “The valets are working hard to make you happy.”

No doubt it is a luxury to walk out of a restaurant stuffed to your eyeballs and not even have to move to retrieve your car. And what a treat door-to-door service is on a rainy or freezing night!

If you choose to take advantage of valet service (keyword: service), it is not a question of if you should tip, but how much to tip valet. “It is always a good idea to tip the driver,” said Swann, who suggests leaving the gratuity when you return to pick up your car. Tips are commonly pooled so you don’t usually have to worry about tipping twice if the person who parked your car is different than the one who retrieved it.

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Of course, if you want any extra attention, like if you want them to “keep it close,” the valet at Teller’s reveals that a slightly larger gratuity beforehand is the norm. I’m pretty sure that’s how the cool guys in the movies make it look so easy. I don’t know about the wink though. Maybe you shouldn’t do that.

In general, how much to tip valet depends on the level of help and accommodation provided. “The tip can be anywhere between three to five dollars depending on the service,” says Swann. Sometimes the valet will go above and beyond for you, carrying bags or gifts, going back to your car to get something you forgot, or even helping with directions and information about where you are going. “If they do anything for you other than just parking your car, then definitely give a larger tip.”

Also, consider the circumstances. The valets at Teller’s say that they appreciate any tip, but a little extra during times of inclement weather or bitter cold is always nice.

how much to tip valet
(Photo: Philip Lange /

Swann recommends checking in with the hotel or restaurant in advance to see if valet service is included or can be added to your credit card. For example, some hotels will allow you to add the valet tip to your room charge. But most of the time, tips are earned and collected by the valets themselves, so you want to make sure that you have enough cash on hand.

Naturally, common courtesy goes a long way in determining the level of service you will receive. Simply being polite was the top solution from the valet at Teller’s for helping the entire process go smoother, not just for them, but for everyone in the lot. It also cuts the chance that they’ll take your Lambo out for a test drive while you’re eating. Just kidding.

Swann goes back to the basics, stressing the importance of saying “please” and “thank you” and establishing a friendly relationship with the valet. “If they’re wearing name tags use their first name so that way you have a connection with them. It will make them feel better about taking care of your car and taking care of you.”

To make parking as seamless possible, avoid distractions, stay alert and as Swann suggests, make eye contact with the valet as you are pulling in for direction. “If you’re looking around, getting distracted on your cellphone or talking to someone, you’re not paying attention. Making eye contact with that valet will help you in terms of getting instructions on where to stop your car.”

And finally, if you know you are going to valet park, turn down your radio, make sure the seat area is cleared of clutter, remove any valuables, and turn off the GPS and exit the navigation. Even if it’s just taking a minute to throw everything into the trunk, make sure your car is clean. “It makes it easier for the valet to get in and out without them having to worry about your phone charger hanging down … or having to fight with your GPS repeating and rerouting.”

Tell us your tips on how to tip valet in the comments below.

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9 Thoughts on “How Much to Tip Valet When Parking

  1. I tip ten dollars dropping off and ten dollars when leaving. I receive my car quickly. Unless they are slammed. Don’t be cheap.

  2. When using valet parking be very careful of items left in your vehicle. At a very nice restaurant in the North End of Boston the valet stole my handicap plaque! The restaurant would not even acknowledge my phone calls and pleas to have it investigated and hopefully returned. Tough lesson to learn that you can’t trust anyone.

  3. For an article titled “How Much to Tip Valet When Parking”, I didn’t see any numerical suggestions.

  4. We ladies (4 of us) all go to the casino in one car. We tip $5 total on way in and way out. Is that appropriate? (Sometimes we stay overnight so one piece of luggage each may be involved. Is our two-way tip enough and considered appropriate?

  5. I never use a Valet Service anymore. The few times I had used one I did not have very good experiences. The only complaint from me being that I’d have to wait a very long time for my vehicle. I remember once using the Valet Service at a Casino over 10 years ago and waited over 50 minutes for my car, and I was not alone as others waiting were just as frustrated. Other times the wait exceeded 30 minutes. They appeared not to have much help and didn’t ‘seem’ to be in a hurry although those are just observations. I always tipped $5 when they parked my car, and another $5 when I picked it up, so tipping was not the issue. In all instances, walking to the main parking lot versus walking to the Valet Center was only 5 to 10 minutes extra, and in all instances the weather was fine (maybe a chilly day here & there, but no extreme weather).
    Besides, I usually prefer the walk.
    If a restaurant or business requires Valet parking ‘only’, I avoid them. It must be worse now too with the labor shortage.

  6. I don’t want anyone driving my car but me or someone I can definitely trust. For this reason I avoid valets and will only use the service if there is no other option.

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