bizarre driving laws

The Most Bizarre State Driving Laws in the Country

As the law-abiding citizens we are, we make it a point to stay abreast of all the rules of the road. It turns out, however, that’s easier said than done sometimes.

You see, individual states and towns have their own traffic rules and regulations. The vast majority of these laws are similar from place to place and, most would agree, rules that should indeed be on the books. But every so often there’s a driving law that stands out. Whether it’s oddly specific, mindbogglingly random, painfully archaic or just downright silly, they all can be categorized as bizarre traffic laws.

Let’s take a cruise around the country to see what bizarre laws about driving that states have come up with, starting in our neck of the woods.

In the Northeast




New Hampshire

  • It’s against the law to inhale car fumes with the intent of inducing euphoria.

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New Jersey

  • Only in New Jersey is there a statewide ban on drivers pumping their own gas (it’s also prohibited in parts of Oregon).
  • Like in Massachusetts, you can’t drive a horse-drawn sleigh on a highway unless there are a sufficient number of bells attached to the horse’s harness.

Rhode Island

  • Section 11-22-11 of Rhode Island law says it’s illegal to ride a horse on a highway for the purpose of racing or testing the speed of the horse. Doing so could cost you $20.
  • You cannot operate a motorized tricycle on a Rhode Island interstate.

Around the Country


  • In Anchorage, it’s illegal to tie a dog to the roof of a car.


  • In Little Rock, it’s against the law to honk your horn after 9 p.m. “at any place where cold drinks and/or sandwiches are served.”


  • It is a misdemeanor to shoot at any kind of game from a moving vehicle – unless your target is a whale.
  • It can be illegal for a woman to drive while wearing a bathrobe.


  • It’s illegal to drive in circles in Westminster, or, more specifically, to drive “past a traffic control point three times in the same direction within any three-hour period.”




  • In Tiffin, you’re prohibited from throwing stones, bricks, or missiles of any kind into the street – unless you get written permission first.


  • You cannot use profanity on any street, highway or sidewalk. Doing so will cost you up to $100.




  • It’s illegal to have a sheep in your truck without a chaperone.
  • Don’t let your sprinkler get the street wet in Kalispell – it’s against the law.


  • Camels are prohibited from walking on public highways.


South Carolina


  • It’s against the law to hug someone while you’re driving.

Which of these bizarre laws made you laugh the most? Tell us in the comments. 

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85 Thoughts on “The Most Bizarre State Driving Laws in the Country

  1. Colorado!! I had to think about that one.
    It’s illegal to drive in circles in Westminster, or, more specifically, to drive “past a traffic control point three times in the same direction within any three-hour period.”

    Also agree, wish some of these were enforced in NJ…

  2. In Little Rock, it’s against the law to honk your horn after 9 p.m. “at any place where cold drinks and/or sandwiches are served.”

  3. Wish some of these laws were enforced in New Jersey.

    There’s intelligent reasons why these laws were all passed.

    Just “Google” some of the reasons as to why, and you’ll forfeit the laughter.

  4. The California laws were the funniest:

    It is a misdemeanor to shoot at any kind of game from a moving vehicle – unless your target is a whale.
    It can be illegal for a woman to drive while wearing a bathrobe.

  5. A couple of recent laws here in Massachusetts pertaining to winter driving:

    – It’s illegal to let your car idle to warm up the engine on a cold morning
    – Cars must be completely cleared of snow. (The police actively look for drivers with snow on their car roof).

    1. the on that made me laugh loudest is a toss-up between Montana where a sheep in a truck requires a chaperone and Alaska where you may not tie a dog to the car roof. Might on assume that in these locations those actions are legal with other animals?

    2. Both of those laws in Massachusetts are very good laws. People have been injured or even killed by snow, flying off the roof of a vehicle running down the road in front of them driven by somebody who was too lazy to clear the snow off their car. I personally wish more of these clones were nailed by the police, and not getting away with it did not continuing to endanger others.

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