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Department: Pets


Curb Fido’s Turkey Day Feasting

October 19, 2018. Rebecca Galib

Though it may be fun having your pet partake in the Thanksgiving meal, be cautious when giving handouts.


Make a Healthy Atmosphere for Your Animals

July 19, 2018. Cassandra Raposo

Our pets spend a lot of time indoors. Why not try to make your home into a healthier, happier environment for them?

Road Trips

Vermont is for Animal Lovers

July 17, 2018. Jill Schensul

Belle was sprawled on the bed, pawing through Four Legs & a Tail magazine, after a long day enjoying the pleasures of Vermont’s great outdoors. Her sister, Sadie, was already under the covers, snoring, when there was a knock at the door. Belle and Sadie made it to the door before I could stand up…

Road Trips

Pets and Vacation Planning: Should They Stay or Should They Go?

July 17, 2018. AAA Staff

Most animals will enjoy a family vacation, but a small percentage are not cut out for traveling. Before packing a bag for your pet, consider carefully whether it’s a good idea. When in doubt, check with your veterinarian. You probably should leave your pet at home if … It is very young or old, pregnant,…

Road Trips

Dog-Friendly Beach Vacations in the Northeast

July 17, 2018. Nancy Hassel

My dog’s absolute favorite place to go in the summer and fall is the beach. If you’re looking for a romp on the beach with your favorite furry pal, exploring the Northeast coastline is a must-do. Cape Cod, Long Island and Maine offer some great places to play. Cape Cod Parts of the Cape Cod…

Road Trips

Tips for Taking a Car Ride With Your Critters

July 17, 2018. AAA Staff

Traveling with pets can be a fun-filled experience – or utter insanity. Here are some directions from AAA for driving with your four-footed passengers. Get Ready To help prevent car sickness, feed your pet a light meal four to six hours before departing. Do not give an animal food or water in a moving vehicle….


Mix Food and Play With These Purr-fect Pet Toys

July 17, 2018. Cassandra Raposo

Pets need a lot of things from their owners, like food and exercise. Food puzzles – feeding stations that require your pet to solve a puzzle in order to get food or a treat – provide a bit of both. Pet stores often carry such enrichment toys, and some can be found online. But you…


Home Remedies for Your Pet’s Everyday Maladies

January 15, 2018. Cassandra Raposo

Pets are susceptible to a number of everyday health problems, from hairballs to fleas. Thankfully, there are some home remedies that might eliminate the need to visit a vet.


Pet Allergies: When an Itch Means Something More

June 01, 2017. Nick Tavares

Ever think your pet might be allergic to you? While that may be a rare scenario, it’s increasingly clear that cats and dogs, like their human companions, can have allergies. Cornell University’s Baker Institute for Animal Health classifies potential pet allergies into three categories: atopic dermatitis caused by pollen, dust, mold and other natural irritants;…


3 Fun Backyard Games for Pets

May 01, 2017. Nick Tavares

Daily playtime is vital to your dog’s physical and mental health. Get creative with your backyard games this spring and try some of these suggestions from Kurgo, a pet travel, toy and outdoor products company. AAA members save up to 20% on Kurgo products.  Flyball Flyball is actually a competitive team sport for dogs. To…