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Tag: AAA

Cars & Trucks

How to Defrost Car Windows and Other Winter Conundrums

December 20, 2024. Andrew Sheldon

Learn how to defrost car windows as quickly as possible and safely rid your vehicle of snow, ice and salt.


Crossword: Winter Sports

December 19, 2024. AAA Staff

Happiness is the first snowfall! These winter sports and activities will have you hoping for a snow day.


Crossword: January

December 19, 2024. Kristen Griffie

New year, new challenge. Grab a cup of something warm, settle in and let’s see if you can solve the coolest puzzle of the season!


Quiz: Road Trip Destinations in the Northeast

December 19, 2024. Kristen Griffie

Ready to explore? From charming coastal towns to stunning mountain views, this quiz will test your knowledge of the region’s must-see road trip destinations. See how many of these iconic spots you can name!

Cars & Trucks

Does Cruise Control Save Gas?

December 18, 2024. AAA Staff

Using cruise control on the highway helps drivers to maintain a constant speed, but does it have any effect on fuel economy?

Life Insurance

What to Know About Getting a Child Life Insurance Policy

December 17, 2024. Sarah Vincelette

Our experts answer common questions about this type of coverage and how it can help you and your loved ones.

Road Trips

Discover the Northeast’s Most Famous Movie Locations

December 17, 2024. Andrew Sheldon

Our region has been the backdrop for some of Hollywood’s biggest hits, but you don’t need a movie ticket to experience these sites.


Crossword: Countdown to Christmas

December 14, 2024. AAA Staff

Christmas is just around the corner! Engage your family and friends in a little festive competition.


Word Search: Winter Fun

December 12, 2024. AAA Staff

Need new ideas for your winter to-do list? Find them in this word search.

Electric Vehicles

Are Electric Cars Good in Winter?

December 12, 2024. Andrew Sheldon

Winter is a taxing season, and electric cars aren’t spared its wrath. But don’t give up on these eco-friendly vehicles when the temperature drops.

Air Travel & Newsroom

AAA: Record Number of Holiday Travelers Expected to Close Out 2024 

December 11, 2024. Jillian Young

AAA projects more than 119 million Americans will travel over the year-end holidays.

Holiday Highlights & Homeowner's Insurance

The 5 Most Common Holiday Insurance Claims

December 11, 2024. Sarah Vincelette

Learn about the season’s top hazards and how to navigate them with peace of mind.

Road Trips

Road Trip to Northeast Snack Factories

December 10, 2024. Jeanette Zinno

Visit the homes of some of the Northeast’s most notable noshes.

Cars & Trucks

Ask a Mechanic: Signs Your Car Needs Maintenance

December 06, 2024. AAA Staff

Don’t ignore your car when it’s telling you it needs help. These are the sights, sounds and smells to watch for.


AAA Survey: Nearly Two-Thirds of Drivers Admit to Unsafe Driving Behaviors

December 05, 2024. Jillian Young

Annual Traffic Safety Culture Index sheds light on risky driving behaviors

Life Insurance

How to Avoid Life Insurance Scams

December 05, 2024. AAA Staff

Tips to dodge life insurance scammers and resources for victims.

Auto History

The History of the Holiday Hess Trucks

December 05, 2024. Andrew Sheldon

Hess holiday trucks have been around for more than half a century. Over that time, they’ve become one of the most iconic toys ever made.

Holiday Highlights & Road Trips

Holiday Light Displays in the Northeast

December 05, 2024. Annie Sherman

Get into the spirit of the season with some of our favorite and lesser-known light shows throughout the region.

Homeowner's Insurance

Does Home Insurance Cover Mold or Other Nuisances?

December 04, 2024. Sarah Hopkins

Mold is tricky. Sometimes you don’t notice it at first. Sometimes it can even make you sick. But does home insurance cover mold?


Number of Deadly Traffic Crashes Involving Older Drivers on the Rise

December 02, 2024. Jillian Young

AAA encourages seniors and their families to discuss safe mobility during Older Driver Safety Awareness Week.