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Tag: author

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Road Trips

Fun Places to Visit in the Northeast

August 15, 2017. AAA Staff

The Northeast is packed with amazing destinations and towns within driving distance of both New York and Boston. This guide will hit the 202 best drive trips within two hours of those great cities. From the tip of Long Island to the curved arm of Cape Cod, to the coastal gems in Maine, including Acadia…

Cars & Trucks

Car-Inspired Gifts Mom Will Love

May 01, 2017. AAA Staff

Another Mother’s Day is upon us and figuring out what to get mom year after year can be a daunting task. Why not get her something creative, beautiful and offbeat inspired by the automotive world? Harveys Seat Belt Bags These purses and bags made from cool-colored seat belts caught my eye many years ago. I…

Cars & Trucks

Dr. Travis Stork’s Nissan Pathfinder

February 08, 2017. Roberto Cruz

Host of the Emmy Award-winning talk show “The Doctors,” Dr. Travis Stork is a board-certified emergency medicine physician passionate about helping others achieve healthier lifestyles. In addition to appearing on season eight of “The Bachelor,” he’s also the New York Times best-selling author of “The Doctor’s Diet” and “The Doctor Is In: A 7-Step Prescription…


Winter Book Recommendations to Warm up Your Bookshelf

February 08, 2017. Dana Laverty

Winter has its drawbacks. Snow, for one. Cold, too. The wind isn’t a whole lot of fun, either. Come to think of it, the only things I really like about winter are 1) Christmas, 2) the availability of blood oranges and 3) curling up on the couch with a good book and a cat on…

Air Travel

Tips For Traveling With Older Parents

January 15, 2017. Christina Elston

Valerie Grubb loves to travel. Not only that, she loves to travel with her mom. In the past 20 years, the author of “Planes, Canes, and Automobiles: Connecting With Your Aging Parents Through Travel” has logged more than 300,000 miles with her mother, now 85. “It’s been one of the best things I’ve ever done,”…