Tag: battery

Electric Vehicles

AAA Survey Reveals EV Anxiety

August 15, 2024. Ellen R. Delisio

Holding onto apprehensions, more than half of Northeasterners have no plans to buy a fully electric car.


How to Cut Back on Car Costs

August 13, 2024. Sarah Hopkins

Save on gas, car parts, rentals and more with AAA Discounts.

Road Trips

Paper Maps and TripTiks Are Still Here

August 12, 2024. Rebecca Melnitsky

GPS signals get lost and phones die, but paper maps are forever.

Air Travel

All-Access Travel: Accessible Travel Destinations and Solutions

July 02, 2024. Jenna Pelletier

As travelers with disabilities hit the road in record numbers, the tourism industry is blazing a new trail in accessible travel.

Electric Vehicles

A Quick Guide to Hybrid and Electric Minivans

July 01, 2024. AAA Staff

The ever-practical, family-friendly ride gets electrified.

Cars & Trucks

Summer Driving Safety Tips From AAA

June 20, 2024. AAA Staff

Drive smart while enjoying all the road trips and weekend adventures in store this season.

Auto Insurance

Why Are Catalytic Converters Stolen?

June 04, 2024. Andrew Sheldon

Catalytic converter theft is skyrocketing across the country. Here’s why thieves are after these valuable car parts and what you can do to prevent yours from getting heisted.

Cars & Trucks

Buying a Car in a Pricey Market

May 22, 2024. AAA Staff

Forewarned is forearmed when shopping for a new or used vehicle.

Day Trips

Birdwatching in the Northeast

May 21, 2024. Sarah Hopkins

Do you want to answer the caw of the wild? Here’s how to get started on your birdwatching journey.

Homeowner's Insurance

Dealing With Extreme Heat

May 14, 2024. Marisa Perjatel

Extreme heat can be dangerous to our health, homes, cars and pets. Avoid the risks with these tips.

Homeowner's Insurance

Hurricane Readiness Basics

May 09, 2024. AAA Staff

Atlantic hurricane season begins June 1 and ends November 30. Here’s how you can prepare for a hurricane, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Roadside Services

When to Replace a Car Battery

April 17, 2024. Nicole Wakelin

Follow these tips to keep your car battery in good working order.

Cars & Trucks

Tips for Driving in the Rain and Other Springtime Advice

March 27, 2024. AAA Staff

Cautious driving and proper car care are important aspects of staying safe in the rain.

Auto Insurance

Spring Motorcycle Maintenance Checklist

March 19, 2024. Marisa Perjatel

Get your motor running! Before the long-awaited first ride of the season, make sure your bike is ready for the road.

Cars & Trucks

Spring Car Care Tips

March 18, 2024. Andrew Sheldon

Take care of these springtime maintenance tasks to keep your car safe and running smoothly through summer.


Can You Recycle Pizza Boxes? And Other Recycling Tips

March 17, 2024. Dallas Ernst

It’s easy to be green when you know how to recycle these common household items.

Electric Vehicles

The Cheapest EVs of 2024

January 25, 2024. AAA Staff

Buying an electric vehicle doesn’t need to break the bank. The eight cheapest EVs of 2024 start at $27,000.

Electric Vehicles

Millennials Are 31% More Likely To Buy EVs

January 05, 2024. Ellen R. Delisio

Millennials and younger drivers are the most open to going electric, according to a recent AAA survey.


Make Extra Money Selling Your Old Stuff

November 30, 2023. Sierra Barter

Cleaning isn’t a chore when it earns you cash. Learn how you can profit from unwanted items.

Auto Insurance

Car Insurance FAQ

October 24, 2023. Vanessa Young

Understand car insurance basics so you can opt for the best protection for you and your vehicle.