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Tag: disney

Hotels & Resorts

Resorts Rule in Lush Punta Cana

November 10, 2017. Kim Foley MacKinnon

If Walt Disney had set his sights on creating an ideal beach vacation playground instead of a theme park, it might have resembled something like Punta Cana, the Dominican Republic’s go-to beach destination. It’s situated on the east coast of the island, where the Atlantic Ocean meets the Caribbean Sea. The area, which escaped severe…


Global Good Times: World Holidays All Year-Round

October 01, 2017. AAA Staff

In these parts, we often think of the holiday season as the five or six weeks between Thanksgiving and the New Year. But look around the world and you can find a celebration any time of year. January Australia Day is Jan. 26. The Aussie celebration includes events nationwide, like boat races in Sydney Harbor…

Hotels & Resorts & National Parks & Ocean Cruises & Theme Park Vacations & Travel

Back to School Means Great Rates on Vacations

July 31, 2017. AAA Staff

The start of a new school year means different things to different people. For kids, it means homework. For parents, it means frantic early mornings and afternoons. For teachers, it means stacks of papers and projects. But for travelers, it means one of the year’s best travel windows has arrived. It’s when the summer crowds…