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Tag: Society

Cars & Trucks

This Summer’s Can’t-Miss Classic Car Shows

June 20, 2024. Ellen R. Delisio

Summer is the perfect time to admire vintage cars while soaking up sun.

Air Travel

A Lifetime of Traveling While Gay

June 02, 2024. David Swanson

Travel writer David Swanson reflects on how far the LGBTQ community has come during his 25 years of traveling the globe.

Day Trips

Unforgettable Upstate New York Beaches

May 10, 2024. AAA Staff

No ocean? No problem! The rivers, lakes and parks of upstate New York prove that you don’t need access to the Atlantic to have a great time at the beach.

Auto Insurance

Understanding Umbrella Insurance

April 23, 2024. Marisa Perjatel

An umbrella insurance policy provides protection above and beyond auto and homeowners coverage.

Day Trips

25 Upstate N.Y. Day Trips That Will Make Your Weekend

March 15, 2023. Nathan Duke

Forget the chaos of the city. Head upstate to experience a different, quieter side of New York.