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Tag: Stock

Auto History

The Black Pioneers of the Automotive Industry

February 06, 2025. Andrew Sheldon

Whether breaking color barriers or inventing critical safety features, these are some of the Black pioneers that revolutionized the car world.


Meet Your Financial Resolutions This Year

January 15, 2025. Ellen R. Delisio

Whether you are hoping to make a big purchase, pay off debts or save for unexpected expenses, here’s how you can work toward your money goals.


Use a Reverse Mortgage to Fight Inflation

December 23, 2024. Jane Bartnett

A reverse mortgage can help you stay in your home and stay afloat as prices continue to rise.

Life Insurance

What to Know About Getting a Child Life Insurance Policy

December 17, 2024. Sarah Vincelette

Our experts answer common questions about this type of coverage and how it can help you and your loved ones.

Food & Dining

Talking Turkey: Holiday Turkey Cooking Tips

November 15, 2024. AAA Staff

Let’s talk turkey cooking tips! Plus, which sides to include and the perfect mocktail to round out your celebration.

Road Trips

Fall in Love With Westchester County

October 21, 2024. Ellen R. Delisio

Get outdoors for some autumnal fun in this scenic gem about 45 minutes from New York City.


Is Marry the House, Date the Rate a Good Homebuying Strategy?

August 27, 2024. Andrew Sheldon

Is now the right time to buy a house? If you utilize the strategy of “marry the house, date the rate,” the answer could be yes.

AAA & Travel

Help AAA Give Back to Your Community

July 10, 2024. Ellen R. Delisio

From cleanups to food drives, AAA Northeast hosts events throughout the year where employees and members work together to help local communities.


10 Money Saving Habits to Start Right Now

January 04, 2024. Peter Vey

Establishing these small saving habits can make a big impact on your bank account over time.

Savings & Travel

The Pros and Cons of Payment Apps

December 01, 2020. Andrew Sheldon

Payment apps are growing in popularity, but which one is right for you? And are there any drawbacks to these convenient payment options?


Financial Literacy at a Glance: A Quick Glossary of Essential Terms

July 28, 2020. Andrew Sheldon

Successfully navigate the confusing world of finance by boosting your vocabulary.