Tag: boston

Hotels & Resorts & National Parks & Ocean Cruises & Theme Park Vacations & Travel

Back to School Means Great Rates on Vacations

July 31, 2017. AAA Staff

The start of a new school year means different things to different people. For kids, it means homework. For parents, it means frantic early mornings and afternoons. For teachers, it means stacks of papers and projects. But for travelers, it means one of the year’s best travel windows has arrived. It’s when the summer crowds…

Hotels & Resorts

New Massachusetts Four Diamond Hotels for 2017

July 01, 2017. AAA Staff

AAA added four Massachusetts hotels to its exclusive Four Diamond list for 2017. Boston Park Plaza: This hotel is celebrating its 90th anniversary this year after completing a multiyear, $100 million renovation in 2016. Furniture and fixtures throughout the hotel were replaced, the 1,060 guestrooms and communal areas were completely redone and a library room…

European Tours

Iceland: Close By, But Worlds Away

June 01, 2017. Kim Foley MacKinnon

It’s not hard to see why Iceland has become such a popular travel destination.

Health & Fitness

The Best Cold Weather Running Gear for Winter Runs

February 08, 2017. Nick Tavares

We asked Terrence Mahon, high performance coach at the Boston Athletic Association – the organization behind the Boston Marathon – about the essentials for winter running safety. Here are his top picks for winter-weather gear. Winter running shoes: These offer less-breathable uppers and extra traction, with moisture-wicking or water-repellent materials. Check out stabilizers with small…