Tag: marijuana
Empowering Teen Drivers to Make Safe Choices
June 10, 2024. Ellen R. Delisio
Students learned about the consequences of impaired driving at AAA Northeast’s 2024 teen safety summit.
Bad Driving Habits and How to Fix Them
March 28, 2024. Ellen R. Delisio
Bad driving habits may be universal, but they are not irreversible. Just a few adjustments can change your behavior.
In the Rearview: AAA Northeast’s 2023 Highlights
December 27, 2023. Aimee Carrier
A look back at AAA Northeast’s community activities and other notable achievements.
Joining Forces With State Police Units for Shifting Gears Program
September 23, 2021. AAA Staff
AAA Northeast is partnering with local State Police to educate young people on the effects marijuana has on driving.
AAA Responds as Marijuana Legalization Expands
April 02, 2021. Andrew Sheldon
As more states move toward legalization, AAA is educating the public about the dangers of drugged driving.
The Most Dangerous States for DUI Deaths
January 07, 2020. Jerry Ascierto
The Northeast boasts some of the lowest rates in the nation for DUI arrests, accidents and fatalities, while Southern states are among the most dangerous.
AAA Is Shifting Gears
August 29, 2019. John Galvin
As marijuana legalization continues, new measures need to be taken to keep the roads safe and drivers informed.
Cannabis and Driving
December 21, 2018. Andrew Sheldon
The legalization of marijuana is gaining popularity within the U.S. A recent Gallup poll found that 66 percent of Americans support marijuana legalization. More than half of the states have legalized marijuana use to some extent. Of the six states in the AAA Northeast footprint, only Massachusetts has legalized the recreational use of marijuana. But…
AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety Celebrates 70 Years of Safe Driving
March 28, 2018. Sarah Hopkins
In celebration of its 70th anniversary, the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety is highlighting its four most important research priorities on a new website.