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Tag: Niagara Falls


Discovering the Great Lakes on a Viking Expedition Cruise

August 20, 2024. Stacey Zable

Experience an unforgettable small-ship journey, not too far from home.


20 Things to Do in New York Under $20

July 31, 2024. Sarah Vincelette

Explore the state’s most budget-friendly activities.

Day Trips

25 Upstate N.Y. Day Trips That Will Make Your Weekend

July 24, 2024. AAA Staff

Forget the chaos of the city. Head upstate to experience a different, quieter side of New York.

Day Trips

Birdwatching in the Northeast

May 21, 2024. Sarah Hopkins

Do you want to answer the caw of the wild? Here’s how to get started on your birdwatching journey.

Road Trips

7 Minor League Baseball Cities Worth Visiting

March 22, 2024. Andrew Sheldon

Minor league baseball can be a less expensive, more entertaining alternative to major league games. Plus, teams are located in distinctly unique cities, ideal for exploring.

Road Trips

Northeast Historic Sites That Celebrate Black Culture

February 09, 2024. Sarah Hopkins

If you’re thinking of taking a future trip around the Northeast, don’t forget these historic sites that celebrate Black culture.


8 Free Things to Do in New York

October 05, 2022. Molly Clark

Spend less on your next vacation or day outing in the Empire State with these free finds.