5 Questions With … Sarah Cholewa

5 Questions With … Sarah Cholewa

Sarah Cholewa’s journey to AAA Northeast started with a gallop, literally.

The Financial Services marketing specialist was a varsity member of Roger Williams University’s Equestrian Team while pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Sociology and Anthropology. She started her career as an editorial intern with Rhode Island Monthly, and also spent three professionally formative years with The Mohegan Tribe, serving as a library and archives assistant and professional development program associate.

Sarah joined Girl Scouts of Southeastern New England in 2014 and spent the next five years as a marketing and fund development specialist before joining AAA Northeast in October 2019.

We recently sat down with Sarah to get to know her a little better (though we probably should have guessed what her answer to the last question would be).

Q: If you could go to dinner anywhere tonight, where would you go?

Al Forno in Providence! I’d order pizza margarita, clams al forno, seasonal veggies, al forno mashed potatoes, some sort of tart for dessert and Kyle’s cosmos. Oh! And another pizza margarita to-go for breakfast. Can you tell I really miss Al Forno? Fun fact, you can order all of these things curbside, but I’d really love to have dinner at their upstairs bar.

Q: If you had to delete all but three apps from your smartphone, which ones would you keep?

Instagram, YouTube and The Weather Channel.

Q: The zombie apocalypse is coming! Who are the three people you want on your team?

Oh jeez! Well first, I hope this doesn’t happen and I really don’t like that I can only choose three people – I don’t want to leave anyone out of this terrible scenario. I’d have to go with my boyfriend because I know he’d get those zombies for sure. Then totally random let’s throw-in Rainn Wilson acting as Dwight Schrute. Oh! And Guy Martin since he’d be able to do any and all mechanical work even though I wouldn’t understand his British accent at all.

Q: How would you spend a million dollars?

I think I would want to donate some of it first. I’d give to Heart of RI (where we adopted our three hounds) and The Pancreatic Cancer Action Network. Then honestly I’d love to do something really nice for my parents. They’ve given so much to me and my brother and they work so hard. Maybe finance their next dream home? That would be special.

Q: If you could compare yourself with any animal, which would it be and why?

This is a hard one. I’m such an animal person, but I don’t really know which animal I am. I guess I’d say a mini pony. Mini ponies are so cute and fuzzy and generally great companions, but they are also super headstrong, independent and what my mother would call “fresh”. Any horse people out there probably think I’m insane for this choice, but I’m going to go with it!

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