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Tag: AAA history

Roadside Services

How Roadside Assistance Was Born

June 06, 2020. Jerry Ascierto

AAA kick-started its roadside assistance service back in April 1915, when five motorcyclists working for the Automobile Club of St. Louis founded the “First Aid Corps.”

AAA & National Parks

The Road to the National Parks

January 13, 2020. Andrew Sheldon

AAA helped create the Park-to-Park Highway, which connected the country’s 12 western National Parks.


The Nation’s First Road Maps, Courtesy of AAA

December 26, 2019. Jerry Ascierto

AAA produced its first map in 1905, a hand-drawn route on linen, depicting roads in Staten Island, N.Y. The rest is history.


Film Celebrates AAA Founder’s Amazing Exploits

October 11, 2019. AAA Staff

Adventurer. Daredevil. Auto and Aviation pioneer. Broadway Actor: AAA founder Augustus Post led a life tailor made for the movies.