Tag: senior

Cars & Trucks

Don’t Drive Intexticated: Dangers of Texting and Driving

April 09, 2024. Andrew Sheldon

Distracted driving can have devastating consequences, yet a significant number of drivers admit to using their smartphones behind the wheel.

Cars & Trucks

Drivers Still Fearful of Self-Driving Vehicles

March 28, 2024. Ellen R. Delisio

AAA research shows that while drivers remain skeptical about self-driving cars, they may be overly confident in the capability of automated vehicle safety features.

Cars & Trucks

Tips for Driving in the Rain and Other Springtime Advice

March 27, 2024. AAA Staff

Cautious driving and proper car care are important aspects of staying safe in the rain.


Wedding Planning Guide: The Basics

February 09, 2024. Jeanette Zinno

Wedding bells are ringing, and this time they’re for you! There’s a lot to think about, so let’s get started.


7 Side Hustles To Put Extra Money in Your Savings

January 05, 2024. Robert Yaniz Jr

Supplement your primary income or dip your toes into a new career path with one of these popular side jobs.

Health & Fitness

Revive Your Mental and Emotional Health in the New Year

January 05, 2024. Dallas Ernst

Start the year off fresh with a mental reset and resolve to focus on your emotional well-being in the months to come.

Cars & Trucks

What You Need to Know About Dog Car Restraints

January 04, 2024. Dallas Ernst

Pet restraint laws vary across the Northeast. Learn how to keep your pet safe and lower the risk of distraction while driving.

Auto Insurance

Parking Lot Safety for the Holiday Season

November 16, 2023. AAA Staff

Hectic parking lots and holiday shopping go hand in hand. Stay safe with these tips. 

Fall Fest

Northeast Foliage Views by Land, Sea and Air

October 18, 2023. Dana Laverty

Venture from behind the windshield and explore the many different vantage points for fall views in our region.

Electric Vehicles

Are E-Bikes Worth It?

October 10, 2023. Bob Curley

E-bikes promise longer rides with less effort, plus a practical alternative to driving.

Homeowner's Insurance

What Is Actual Cash Value vs. Replacement Cost?

September 22, 2023. Marisa Perjatel

Here’s what you need to know about these similar-sounding but different home insurance policies.

Road Trips

8 PGA Championship Golf Courses in the Northeast

August 25, 2023. Andrew Sheldon

Want to play where the pros play? These golf courses have all hosted the PGA Championship.


Financial Planning in Your 20s and 30s

August 01, 2023. Molly Clark

How to manage your money, even when it feels impossible.

Auto History

Why Are Popular Car Colors So Boring? A Brief History of Car Paint

June 29, 2023. Andrew Sheldon

The most common car colors have gone from all the luminous colors of the rainbow to a mix of black, white and gray. Here’s why.


Social Security Resources: Quiz, Calculators and More

March 27, 2023. Andrew Sheldon

These Social Security resources will help you understand when it’s best to retire and how much you can expect in benefits.

Life Insurance

Does Life Insurance Get Taxed?

March 20, 2023. Marisa Perjatel

Answers to questions about life insurance and taxes that policyholders and beneficiaries should know.

Air Travel

18 Summers of Family Travel

March 08, 2023. Bob Curley

Where and when to go to make long-lasting memories with your children.

Homeowner's Insurance

Why Did My Home Insurance Rate Go Up?

February 22, 2023. Marisa Perjatel

If you are wondering why your home insurance rate has increased, the short answer is: It’s a sign of the times.

Life Insurance

Life Insurance Needs by Age

February 15, 2023. Robert Yaniz Jr

Your stage in life should be considered when it comes to life insurance coverage. See how age plays into your investment.

Cars & Trucks

The Future of Self-Driving Cars

January 31, 2023. Andrew Sheldon

Autonomous vehicles are already on the road, but don’t expect to be able to buy one any time soon.