5 Questions With … Brooke Fairbrothers

5 Questions With … Brooke Fairbrothers

Brooke Fairbrothers was a newly minted graduate when she joined AAA Northeast in February 2018, receiving a bachelor’s in marketing from Roger Williams University less than a year before.

But she also brought some hands-on experience, having served a marketing internship at Blount Small Ship Adventures in 2017 and working her way through school as a supervisor at Victoria’s Secret.

Brooke started her AAA journey as a marketing coordinator with Insurance. And three short years later (almost to the day) Brooke was promoted to associate marketing specialist this past February.

After hours, Brooke enjoys donating her time to favorite causes such as Little Free Library, the Australian Cattle Dog Rescue Association and Dance Rhode Island. And we recently sat down with Brooke to get her take on summer pastimes, fictional dream worlds and whether pineapple really does belong on pizza.

Q: What’s your favorite thing to do in the summer?

My favorite summer activity is visiting Lake Monomonac in New Hampshire. My fiancé and our dog Lincoln spend a lot of time on the water paddle boarding, kayaking, water-skiing and just floating around!

Q: If you could trade places with anyone for a day, who would you choose?

I’d trade places with my dog – he lives the life! I could spend the day just eating, going on walks and napping.

Q: If you could go back in time, what advice would you give to your 18-year-old self?

If I could go back in time, I would tell my 18-year-old self to live in the moment and take your time – there’s no need to rush!

Q: What fictional place would you like to visit?

I’d love to visit Elsa’s Ice Palace from Disney’s “Frozen!” The ice castles in New Hampshire will have to do for now…

Q: Pineapple on pizza: heck yeah or no way?

Heck yeah … why not?! I’ll only turn away pepperoni.

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