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Tag: lemon

Food & Dining

Banana Bread Variations You’ll Find “A-Peeling”

April 27, 2020. Kristen Griffie

For a spin on the classic, try these tasty banana bread variations.

Food & Dining

Easy Pantry Meals From Around the Globe

March 24, 2020. Marisa Perjatel

Travel the world from your kitchen with these internationally inspired dishes made from items you have on hand.

Road Trips

Quick Weekend Getaways: Westerly, R.I.

November 18, 2019. Julie Tremaine

Live music, art and gourmet fare make Westerly, R.I., more than just a beach town. Make this seaside destination your next weekend getaway.

Casino Vacations

Rediscover AC: The New Atlantic City Weekend Getaway

August 20, 2019. Angelica Beneke

Read our suggestions for making the most of an Atlantic City weekend getaway.

Food & Dining

Join the Plant-Based Revolution at Providence’s New Vegan Food Hall

July 22, 2019. Julie Tremaine

The new Plant City food hall is changing the city’s idea of what vegan food can be.

Food & Dining

15 Cape Cod Restaurants You Have to Try

June 07, 2019. Marina Davalos

A local shares her top picks for the Cape Cod restaurants you don’t want to miss.

Ocean Cruises

The Best Underwater Seascapes for Scuba Diving

May 29, 2019. Sarah Hopkins

Royal Caribbean is the only cruise line that offers an onboard scuba diving certification program. After you get your sea legs, you can explore the ocean like never before!

Theme Park Vacations

A Guide to Universal’s Marvel Character Dinner

February 18, 2019. Andrew Sheldon

Take dining to the next level by feasting with your favorite superheroes.

Food & Dining

Dinner With a AAA Diamond Inspector: Behind the Scenes of a Restaurant Review

November 30, 2018. Marisa Perjatel

We tagged along with a AAA inspector to learn exactly what determines a AAA Diamond Rating.

Food & Dining

Weeknight Dinner Ideas That Are Fast and Easy

November 14, 2018. Jeanette Zinno

Takeout isn’t always the answer! On busy nights, try one of these quick and delicious recipes.

Day Trips

Our Favorite Day Trips in CT for Families

October 22, 2018. Ashley Richardson

There’s no shortage of fun day trips in Connecticut for families, whether you’re there for two hours or a whole day.

Food & Dining

4 Must-Visit NYC Food Markets

September 01, 2018. Marisa Perjatel

The Big Apple is a haven for great culinary destinations. Cooks and food lovers will happily get lost in these markets.

Air Travel

What to Do in Savannah, Georgia and Where to Stay

August 25, 2018. Jill Fergus

Enjoy your trip to the historic city of Savannah, Georgia, with these tips and tricks about what to do, what to eat and where to stay.

Casino Vacations

Famous Chefs with Casino Restaurants in Las Vegas

August 18, 2018. Linda DiProperzio

If you want a delicious meal—and possibly catch a celebrity sighting—check out these casino restaurants owned by well-known chefs.

Hotels & Resorts

The Top 10 Acclaimed Hotel Restaurants

July 08, 2018. Roberto Cruz

If amazing food is one of your vacation essentials, look no further than these award-winning hotel restaurants.

Food & Dining

AAA Diamond Fare: From Best to Even Better

June 15, 2018. Cassandra Raposo

Thanks to AAA inspectors, you don’t need to wonder where to eat this weekend … or any weekend. Whether you’re looking for a quick bite or a fine-dining experience, inspectors have it covered. They visit hundreds of restaurants across the country each year to judge the food, service and decor, among other things. They approve…

Food & Dining

Fresh Ideas for Preparing Your Garden-Grown Tomatoes

May 11, 2018. Cassandra Raposo

A summer garden staple like tomatoes can be used in so many ways other than just tossed in a salad. We reached out to AAA Diamond Rated restaurants for ideas.

Health & Fitness

Live a Healthier Life

April 24, 2018. AAA Staff

Eat better, stay active and reduce stress with the helpful tips inside this free guide from Your AAA.

Food & Dining

Show Mom a Brunch of Love With AAA Diamond Rated Recipes

April 13, 2018. Cassandra Raposo

Brunch is a versatile meal that satisfies many a palate. So why not celebrate Mother’s Day with a AAA Diamond Rated dish?


Home Remedies for Your Pet’s Everyday Maladies

January 15, 2018. Cassandra Raposo

Pets are susceptible to a number of everyday health problems, from hairballs to fleas. Thankfully, there are some home remedies that might eliminate the need to visit a vet.